Anatomy And Physiology Topics by chapter
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY Early studies into the workings of the body Anatomy and Physiology- how they relate Major characteristics of life Major requirements of organisms Homeostasis - explain its importance to survival Levels of organization Major body cavities. Major organ systems, - organs / functions of each system. Terms that describe positions, sections, and regions.
CHAPTER 5: TISSUES Four major tissue types - where occurs Epithelial tissues – Function and location of each kind Glands are classified how Connective tissues – Function and location of each kind Describe the general cellular components, structures, fibers, and matrix (where applicable) of each type of connective tissue Muscle tissues Nervous tissues
CHAPTER 6: SKIN AND THE INTEGUMENTARY SYSTEM Four major types of membranes Layers of the skin. List the general functions of skin Factors that determine skin color Accessory organs with skin How skin regulates body temperature Wound healing
CHAPTER 7: SKELETAL SYSTEM Active tissues in a bone Structure of a bone / functions Intramembranous and Endochondral bones Major functions of bones Axial and Appendicular skeletons - components Types / Classes of joints
CHAPTER 8: MUSCULAR SYSTEM Outcomes of muscular actions Parts of a skeletal muscle fiber Events of skeletal muscle fiber contraction / relaxation Oxygen debt / energy production and use Twitch and a sustained contraction Contractions produce and maintain posture / movement Compare / Contrast skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle fibers. Locations / actions of skeletal muscles
CHAPTER 9: NERVOUS SYSTEM Two groups of nervous system organs / tissues General functions Type / functions of neuroglial cells General structure of a neuron Peripheral nerves classification Reflex arc PNS / CNS Autonomic / Somatic Fight or flight Differences in structure and function are used to classify neurons. Membrane polarization Conduction of a nerve impulse Ways in which the nervous system processes information Meninges Brain / Spinal cord CSF Sympathetic / parasym.
CHAPTER 12: BLOOD General Functions / characteristics of blood Formed elements RBC production five types of WBC’s major components of blood plasma and functions hemostasis steps in blood coagulation blood typing blood reactions / rhogam
CHAPTER 13: CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM organs of the cardiovascular system & functions locations / functions of parts of heart. pathway of blood cardiac cycle, ECG pattern blood vessels blood pressure pulmonary and systemic circuits
CHAPTER 15: DIGESTION AND NUTRITION general functions of the digestive system major organs of the digestive system Peristalsis Structures and functions of parts of DS Enzymes swallowing how the products of digestion are absorbed defecation reflex sources of carbs, lipids, and proteins major minerals and trace elements adequate diet