Antonio D. Brathwaite University of the Virgin Islands, St Thomas, USVI
Cation-π and CH-π Interactions in the Coordination and Solvation of Cu + (acetylene) n Complexes Antonio D. Brathwaite 1 Timothy B. Ward 2, Richard S. Walters 2 and Michael A. Duncan 2 1 College of Science and Mathematics, University of the Virgin Islands, St Thomas, USVI, Department of Chemistry, University of Georgia, Athens, GA,
Transition metal- Complexes Play an important role in catalysis – Intermediates in alkene polymerization reactions catalyzed by Ziegler-Natta catalysts – Intermediates in alkene hydrogenation reactions catalyzed by Wilkinson’s catalyst Prototypical models for bonding in organometallic chemistry – Transition metal – benzene – Transition metal – ethylene – Transition metal – acetylene Identification of reactive species We use mass spectrometry, IR spectroscopy and DFT to investigate the structure, coordination and bonding interactions of Cu(C 2 H 2 ) n +
Transition Metal- Bonding Dewar-Chatt-Duncanson complexation model Ligands donate electron density from their HOMO into σ –type d orbitals on the metal Metals donate electrons from -symmetry d orbitals into the antibonding * orbitals on ligands Combined effect weakens the C-C bond as well as the C-H bonds Results in red-shifted C-H stretching frequencies -type forward donation -type back donation M+M+ M+M+
Previous Investigations Larger complexes to investigate coordination and structures Previous work showed evidence for an intracluster cyclization in large Ni(C 2 H 2 ) n + complexes Walters, Schleyer, Corminboeuf, Duncan. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 1100.
Experimental Set Up
Mass Spectrum Cu(C 2 H 2 ) n + complexes produced by laser ablation in an expansion of 10% acetylene in argon.
Investigation of Coordination Sequential C 2 H 2 ligand elimination terminating at n=3 Ligands coordinated directly to metal are strongly bound Weakly bound external ligands are easily eliminated
Investigation of Coordination Cu(C 2 H 2 ) Coordination number of three Sequential C 2 H 2 ligand elimination terminating at n=3 Ligands coordinated directly to metal are strongly bound Weakly bound external ligands are easily eliminated
What is the meaning of this?
B3LYP/Wachters+f Comparison to theory
Comparison to theory B3LYP/Wachters+f
Comparison to theory B3LYP/Wachters+f
core free symmetric stretch core free asymmetric stretch
single donor in-phase symmetric stretch external asymmetric stretch single donor out-of-phase symmetric stretch core free symmetric stretch core free asymmetric stretch
double donor asymmetric stretch single donor in-phase symmetric stretch external asymmetric stretch single donor out-of-phase symmetric stretch core free symmetric stretch core free asymmetric stretch
double donor asymmetric stretch single donor in-phase symmetric stretch external asymmetric stretch single donor out-of-phase symmetric stretch core free symmetric stretch core free asymmetric stretch
Conclusion The Cu(C 2 H 2 ) 3 + complex with D 3 symmetry is the fully coordinated species Three additional C 2 H 2 ligands, bound at bifurcated CH- binding sites, completes the first solvation sphere This appealing Cu(C 2 H 2 ) 6 + (3C+3) has with D 3h symmetry All complexes have IR-active bands that are red-shifted relative to C-H vibrations in acetylene All Cu(C 2 H 2 ) n + complexes were found to have d 10 singlet ground states DFT is effective at unravelling the complex IR spectra of these species
Acknowledgements Prof. Michael Duncan Tim Ward Richard Walters Members of the Johnson lab