CFPTA SELRFP TOWB 2 To gauge community support for expanded public transportation services in the To implement a long range financial plan that is regional.


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Presentation transcript:

CFPTA SELRFP TOWB 2 To gauge community support for expanded public transportation services in the To implement a long range financial plan that is regional To meet the needs of the service area within the boundaries of the transit authority

CFPTA SELRFP TOWB 3 CFPTA created in 2004 by joint resolution of City of Wilmington & New Hanover County Designated recipient of federal transit funds for the WMPO planning boundaries Provide fixed route transit service, Paratransit service, Seahawk Shuttle, downtown trolley, vanpool in development), Greyhound Intercity service terminal (proposed) 87% of community support bus service to NHC beaches Ridership for FY M passengers FY operating budget $7.39M

CFPTA SELRFP TOWB 4 Service to Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach, Kure Beach, Fort Fisher, & Veterans Park Initial capital investment for vehicles and amenities Long term operating investment for beach service Funded by New Hanover countywide vehicle registration fee of $7.00/vehicle as authorized in NCGS Session Law




8 Albert Eby Wave Transit