Open AGH and other e-learning platforms Karolina Grodecka e-Learning Center of AGH.


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Presentation transcript:

Open AGH and other e-learning platforms Karolina Grodecka e-Learning Center of AGH

Materials publicly available in the Web, published under a license that allows to use and to develop them in an open way Pictures from Open ClipArt Libraray

use/ copy/ change/ create Source:


pyramid of openness P yramid of openness. Aut. Karolina Grodecka, CC BY-SA, 2011,

Criteria of OER platform selection Goal staff-authors needs authors expectations authors computer skills administrators support sustainability of tools existing infrastructure number of users community evaluation of resources peer-reviewing communication

OER access models supporting of self-education / wider access to educational content, etc. (MIT, OpenAGH) supporting of education within the frames of community (OpenLearn UK, Peer2Peer University) supporting of content creation (WikiEducator, WikiBooks, Wikiversity, Curriki, Connexions)

Wydział Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki UWWydział Matematyki, Informatyki i Mechaniki UW - dla studentów kierunku matematyka, CC BY-NC-ND, w 4 formatach - HTML, MathML, do wydruku PDF, slajdy PDF Wydział Fizyki UW - zasoby dla studentów fizyki, biologii i medycyny, CC BY-SA biologii i medycyny Wikimedia CommonsWikimedia Commons - baza zasobów multimedialnych na wolnych licencjach czy Wikiversity - platforma OZE dla naukowców, studentów, badaczyplatforma OZE WIKI transparency, unified format and content view = coherent structure open source code = easy adoptable to authors needs content available for users with sight disorders

eduCommons created within the frames of OpenCourseWare Consortium at The University of Utah 40 universities from all around the world, which share educational resources of their staff members designed for OER compatible with other tools used to export and import of resources copies into/from other platforms, e.g. Moodle elements: course description, technical requirements, tutor, syllabus, schedule, additional literature, tests, tools, exam, video lectures The University of Utah, 100 cources Creative Commons BY-NC-SA

MOODLE open source e-learning platform that helps to prepare, conduct and manage educational courses institutions in nearly 200 countries, used by over 20 million of people also a distribution channel for creators of open academic resources OpenLearnOpenLearn Open University UK has implemented Moodle platform as open working and communicating environment for students, parts or the complete open online courses, CC BY-NC-SA LabSpace has made available open environment for scientific experiments

the first academic OER repository in Poland ap. 100 materials – learning hours complete courses / handbooks / exercises / students textbooks / as well as single texts / images / simulations / courses summaries / audio and video recordings materials prepared by academic staff, PhD students and the best AGH students (Notes in the Web – a competition) approximately 1000 users a day Open AGH

Open AGH: Creative Commons Attribution – Non commercial – ShareAlike 3.0 Poland Allowed to: freely use, copy, disseminate, and adapt Condition: non commercial use, in case of adaptation – publication under the same CC license as the original work

AGH Authorithies Inter-Faculty Unit (AGH e-Learning Center) BOTTOM-UP APPROACH

Attitude of AGH community towards OER method: questionnaire purpose: checking a level of knowledge about OER and community attitude : towards creating them group: 260 people

# Do academic teachers use the Internet in their educational practice? # What do they know about open licenses? # What do they know about OER? # What do they know about Open AGH? # How do they evaluate OER usefulness? Are they going to use them? What do we ask about?

67% 31% 15% use the Internet to content searching, to project their own classes publish their own resources in the Internet make them available under one of CC licensees

54% 65% 71% have never heard about CC or GNU have never heard about OER have heard about OER, but never used them

53% 47% 38% have no opinion about OER benefits OER let their users to find interesting materials popularization of one’s work 51% observing how other people teach 34% making contacts 26% OER are helpful in teaching process planning

48% will publish their own OER, will use OER and recommend them to the other 52% will neither publish nor use OER

52% will neither publish nor use OER high percentage of lack of readiness to OER 1. methodological doubts: how to use OER in context of a traditional university? 2. legal doubts: how to use CC licenses (what is and what is not a commercial use), not using OER at all or breaking the law, waiving of copyright, plagiarism, context loosing 3. reluctance of transparency of educational process 4. lack of short-term OER benefits

48% will publish their own OER, will use OER and recommend them to the other after the survey number of people who declare readiness to use OER is bigger than number of people who have ever come across OER problem: 19% of respondents declare readiness to use OER, but they are reluctant to share them

Methods of OER promotion within academic environment expanding knowledge about CC and copyright (courses) system solutions at university level – grants, extra points in academic staff evaluation (getting points not only for research activity) developing OER repository at university establishing special unit responsible for technical, legal and methodological support for academic staff mandatory openness of OER (public funds)

Thank you very much for your attention