INTERNET & IT TOOLS Situation Today Presented by: Roland Hessels Export Director
Internet & IT Tools VERLINDE is leader on is home market with 36% of market share VERLINDE is represented in France by: 9 sales offices, 26 after sales service centers, 11 EUROPONT crane builders and a network of more than 3000 customers (industrial distributors, integrator,…) EUROPONT: franchise concept of crane buider: 10 members in France 3 members in Belgium 5 members in Nederlands Present in 56 countries, 70% of the turnover come from export 2500 wire rope hoist and crane package, electric chain hoists, 800 jibs cranes, 15 km of light crane system, 6000 manual devices
Internet & IT Tools Offers made internally (by sales dept) 2012 : : 3930 Offers made externally > 4000 Orders made externally (by customer) 2012 : : 518
Internet & IT Tools
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