Chapter 3 Section 3
Puritans controlled Parliament Charles I was persecuting Puritans Oliver Cromwell – led the forces to defeat the king, later the “Protector” Charles I – beheaded in 1649 Those loyal to the king went to Virginia Charles II – king restored with limited powers Called Restoration – the monarchy was restored
New Amsterdam – on Manhattan Island In between two British colonies Became a major port for trade in the Americas Dutch West India Company – offered incentives to come to the Americas Patroons – riverfront estates Own courts and laws
England wanted New Netherland Peter Stuyvesant – governor of the Dutch colony, taxed with strict rule Duke of York – Charles II’s brother was given the old Dutch colony Thus, renamed “New York” Proprietary Colony – colony in which the owner, or proprietor, owned all of the land and controlled the government Offered religious freedom – first Jews settle here New Amsterdam renamed “New York City” Colonists forced the Duke of York to allow an elected legislature
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New Jersey – the Southern part of the Duke of York’s territory Given to Lord John Berkeley and Sir George Carteret Named the colony after an island in England where Carteret was born Promised trial by jury, large plots of land, religious freedom, and representative assembly No port, so no profits Sold back to the King by 1702 (Royal Colony)
Pennsylvania – a “holy experiment” William Penn – given land by the king to relieve the king’s debt to Penn’s family First town planner (Philadelphia) Wrote the state’s constitution Made treaties with the Native Americans Quakers – (Society of Friends) – Protestant religious dissenters Believed everyone has an “inner light” to save them Church services and ministers are unnecessary Pacifists – people who refuse to use force or to fight in wars Considered threats to establishment Philadelphia – Greek for “city of brotherly love” Delaware – southern 3 colonies of Penn. Allowed to have their own legislature
Section 3-14 Click the mouse button or press the Space Bar to display the answers. Checking for Understanding __ 1.landowner in the Dutch colonies who ruled like a king over large areas of land __ 2.person opposed to the use of war or violence to settle disputes __ 3.colony run by individuals or groups to whom land was granted A.patroon B.proprietary colony C.pacifist Define Match the terms on the right with their definitions on the left. A C B