Spain in America Cortes subdues Aztecs in 1500s Spaniards live among natives, imposing their culture on them Spain uses enslaved Africans for labor Wealth from America makes Spain top European power
Spain in America Competition and dreams of more money leads Spain to move North Eventually focus turns to conversion of Natives 1588, Spanish Armada is defeated which begins Spain’s fall from power
England in America English investors fund exploration Jamestown is created in Va, disease, hostile Natives and bad leadership threaten colony Tobacco saves colony Need for cheap labor forces colony to rely on indentured servants and then slaves
England in America Colonists live apart from Natives, pushing them off their land Tension created forces Jamestown to become a Royal Colony Tension on the frontier between planters, indentured servants and Natives leads to Bacon’s Rebellion Exposes class struggle
Meanwhile in New England Tom Brady and Bill Belichick built a time machine and went back to cheat in a different era of US History.
Meanwhile in New England Puritans come to America for religious reasons Led by Winthrop, they seek to build model society Close relationship between church and state Family is backbone of Puritan society
Meanwhile in New England New England colonists and Natives use land differently and clash over religion Eventually this leads to small wars The wars nearly wipe out Native populations in SE New England
Meanwhile in New England By 1600 three regions have emerged in British North America. Despite diversity, they share certain basic beliefs like self government. The Dutch create New Netherland(NY) to expand their fur trade Winds up being diverse English take over in order to remove Dutch wedge Penn founds Pennsylvania bases it on Quaker principles of tolerance