Microsoft® Word 2010
Work with fonts. 1 Apply basic character formatting. 2 Work with the Font dialog box. 3 Repeat and copy character formats. 4 Change case and highlight text. 5 Apply special effects. 6 2
Set of formatting instructions for the entire document – Includes fonts, colors, and object effects Every document is based on a theme Default theme is Office 3
Character formatting is used to emphasize text – You can change character formatting by applying bold or italic format or by changing the style of type 4
A font is a type design applied to an entire set of characters, including letters of the alphabet, numerals, punctuation marks, and symbols The default heading font is Cambria. The default body text font is Calibri. 5
A serif font has decorative lines projecting from its characters –Cambria or Times New Roman A sans serif font has NO decorative lines projecting from its characters – Calibri or Arial A Script font is more ornate – Monotype Corsiva 6
Fonts are available in a variety of sizes and are measured in points. There are 72 points in an inch. Default size in Word 2013 is 11 points. Keyboard shortcuts: Increases the font size – Ctrl + Shift + > Decreases the font size – Ctrl + Shift + < Increases the font size by one point – Ctrl + ] Decreases the font size by one point – Ctrl + [ 7
Basic character formats include bold, italic, and underline. More than one character format can be applied to text You can Apply character formatting using: – Buttons on the Ribbon – Buttons on the Mini toolbar – Keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl + B – to bold Ctrl + U – to underline Ctrl + I – to italicize Character formatting can be applied to existing text or text to be keyed 8
To Remove character formatting from selected text, press Ctrl + Spacebar 9
Three reasons to use the font dialog box: 1. The font dialog box offers more options than the Ribbon 2. You can choose several options at one time 3. You can preview your choices before you apply the changes To open the Font Dialog box: – Click the Font Dialog Box Launcher – Right-click selected text, and click Font – Use keyboard shortcuts: Press Ctrl + D 10
11 Figure 2-8 Exercise 2-6 Click the Font Dialog Box launcher button
You can use a short-cut to open the font dialog box Right-click selected text and choose font 12 Exercise 2-5 Figure 2-7
13 Table 2-2 Exercise 2-7 Create a Table: 2 x 7
14 Table 2-3 Exercise 2-8 Create a Table: 2 x 7
Click the Advanced tab at the top of the Font dialog box Options to change the space between characters – Normal (default) – Expanded or Condensed 15 Figure 2-11 Exercise 2-9
To repeat character formatting, you can use the Repeat Command – Press F4 or Ctrl + Y Note: Use the Repeat command immediately after applying the format 16
The Format Painter Button is used to copy character formatting To Copy the formatting one time: Select the text with the formatting to be copied Click the Format Painter button on the Home tab, Clipboard group The mouse pointer changes to a paintbrush with an I-beam pointer Select the text to be formatted To Copy the formatting multiple times: Double-click the Format Painter button – To turn OFF the Format Painter button Press the ESC key Click the Format Painter button 17
You can also change the case of characters using keyboard shortcuts and the Change Case button on the Ribbon Keys: Shift + F3 (Toggle key) Ribbon : Click the Change Case drop-down arrow on the ribbon, and select one of the following options: – Sentence case – lowercase – UPPERCASE – Capitalize Each Word – tOGGLE CASE 18
Used to emphasize text in a document— particularly online documents Text Highlight Color button is located in the Font group Mouse pointer changes shape Select text to highlight Select No Color from the Text Highlight Color drop-down list to REMOVE the highlight format from text 19
To emphasize parts of a document you can use the color highlight button on the ribbon – Select the text you want to highlight – Click the Highlight button on the Home tab 20 Figure 2-13 Exercise 2-13
Used to draw attention to a paragraph Drop cap appears below the text baseline or in the left margin Click the Insert tab and click the Drop Cap button – Click Dropped or In margin to insert the drop cap – Click Drop Cap options to open the Drop Cap dialog box 21
22 Figure 2-14 Exercise 2-14
Add visual interest to text Click the Text Effects button on the Home tab Text Effect Features: – Outline – Shadow – Reflection – Glow 23
24 Figure 2-15 Exercise 2-15