The Odyssey, Odysseus, and the Epic Poem English 1 CP
Journal Write a list of what makes a person or character heroic. Try to come up with at least 10 items. You may also write in paragraph form if you wish.
Key Terms An odyssey is an extended adventurous voyage or trip An epic poem is a long narrative poem about important events in the history or folklore of a culture the incredible deeds and adventures of a hero An epic hero is the larger-than-life central character in an epic poem Many epics begin in medias res, or “in the middle of things,” meaning that much of the important action in the story occurred before the point at which the poem begins Therefore, the adventures are often recounted in flashback, a scene that interrupts the sequence of events to relate earlier events
More Detail: Based on historical fact, legend and truth Epic Poem Epic Hero Based on historical fact, legend and truth Gods/goddesses help and harass the hero Hero reflects goals and values of society Taught lessons to listeners/readers Better than everyone (strength, courage, endurance) Pride in reputation Love for family/homeland Forceful leader
Historical and Cultural Context The backdrop of details of the time and place in which the work is set or in which it was written Specific events, beliefs, and customs The Odyssey tells the story of the Trojan War, when the Greeks fought Troy (Turkey) Trojan War started because Paris kidnapped Helen – her husband is Menelaus When you read a work from another culture, use background and prior knowledge to analyze the influence of the historical and cultural context. Historical/Cultural Detail Background Analysis “Now Zeus the lord of the cloud roused in the north a storm against the ships…” Zeus is king of the gods in Greek mythology The Odyssey reflects a belief that the gods participate actively in the lives of mortals
Homer Wrote the Iliad and the Odyssey (The Iliad is a story of war, while the Odyssey takes place after) Collected stories around 800 B.C. In oral poetic competitions, Greek minstrels sang stories set to music Stories were told and listened to more than they were read; they were not written down Did he exist? He was blind May have been the greatest in a long line of Greek epic storytellers/collectors
The Odyssey Recounts Odysseus’ (epic hero) difficulties while trying to go home Odysseus ventures home after 10 years of fighting in the Trojan War Story begins 10 more years after the end of the war (in medias res; often told in flashbacks) No one has heard anything about Odysseus since he left 20 years ago When Odysseus is away, many men begin to vie for his wife, Penelope Odysseus and Penelope also have a son, Telemachus, who is 20 years old
Map of Odysseus’ Travels Odysseus’ journey takes so long because the gods, including Poseidon (god of the sea) punish him and interfere with his travels
Need a better visual? Troy No, we are not going to watch the whole movie