MATH INVESTEGATION BY: Maryam Hamouda 6B Mr. Smith
To know exactly how much calories are burnt during running one kilometer is to open a spread sheet and do it there. Make a column for distance another for weight, and one for calories. After you have done that put in the distance which in this case is 1 km, and the weight. Lets say that that person weighs 90 kg. then you times your weight by the distance and times the answer by That will give you the calories that you burnt exactly with every decimal number there is to this number. If you were to be a trainer and a client asked for the number of calories they burnet you wouldn’t say to them but you would say “about a 110”. That is because this way is clearer and more efficient. It is also easy to recall afterwards.
How many calories in a doughnut depends on what the ingredients are. In a normal glazed doughnut there is 350 calories. Imagine how many calories are there in a chocolate filled doughnut.
Well say you are 90 kg then times your weight by the distance (1) and it will equal that is not 350 yet so you might gave to run some more km. times that number by the weight and say the number of km. you ran were 3. so the answer will be 90*3*1.036= That is a little smaller so lets try running 4 km. it will equal that is also a little larger than 350. So you will probably have to run 3.7 km. to be able to eat a doughnut without gaining any weight.
Making good health choices does not mean you start eating less, but it means to eat the same amount but with healthier choices. To calculate this you will need to use a lot of mathematics especially numbers with decimals. For example, if you are a child than you should be eating about 2500 calories each day. Say you wake up in the morning and you eat a breakfast that has about calories than you had a snack at school that contains about and your lunch contained when you got home you ate a calories snack. That is already at night you ate a dinner with calories in it. That makes it that means you ate a good days meals and you have not gained any extra calories, and you might have even prevented yourself from gaining any grams.
The earner profiles that I used doing this power point presentation are : Learner profilereason Thinker I am a thinker because I thought about all these math calculations and how I can present it In a way that is interesting. Communicator I was a communicator because I communicated throw the presentation in a way that makes everyone who reads it thinks that I am talking to them. Caring I am caring because I am thinking of ways to care for my body and keep it in good condition. Plus I am figuring out ways to make what I learn in school help me with my everyday life. Balanced I am balanced because I am keeping my body in good condition by using my mind and calculating calories