Common Words and Phases 2 Parole e Frasi Comuni 2 Signora Patterson
Useful Words in Italian ItalianEnglish SiYes No Mi piaceI like (it) Non mi piaceI dont like (it) Mi dispiaceIm sorry
Useful Words in Italian ItalianEnglish DoveWhere ComeHow QuandoWhen Quanto/ QuantiHow much/How many Perche`Why/ Because
Useful Words in Italian ItalianEnglish ChiWho CheWhat Per favorePlease GrazieThank you Mi ScusiExcuse me
Useful Words in Italian ItalianEnglish QuestoThis QuelloThat (one) OOr EAnd ConWith
Common Phrases ItalianEnglish A prestoSee you soon Chi e?Who is it? Ce (singular) There is…. Is there…? Ci sono (Plural) There are…. Are there…?
Common Phrases ItalianEnglish E quiIt is here E liIt is over there Dov'è…?Where is…? Dove sono…?Where are…?
Dialogo in Italiano Ciao, Paolo come stai? Bene, grazie, e tu? Bene, grazie Dove Lisa? Mi scusi, chi? Lisa Roselli Si, Lisa eli. Grazie A presto Paolo. Arrivaderci Giani.
Dialogo in Italiano- now you try Ciao, mi scusi, dove` Signora Patterson? Signora Patterson e` li. Bene, grazie Prego, ti piace la classe italiano? Si, mi piace, e tu? Si, mi piace questa classe. A presto. Arrivaderci.
How would you greet someone? 1. In the morning: Buon ________________ 2. In the afternoon: Buon _______________ 3. In the evening: _________ ___________ 4. Late at night or before bed: ____________ _______________
How would say this in Italian? 5. Where _____________ 6. When _______________ 7. How much__________________ 8. Why and/or because_______________
How would you ? 13. Say you are sorry_____________ 14. Say excuse me ____________ 15. Say please________________ 16. Say you like something ___________
Clicker Questions 1. How do you say excuse me? a)Mi piace b)Non mi piace c)Mi scusi d)A presto
Clicker Questions 2. What does non mi piace mean? a)I am not hungry b)I am not at peace c)I dont like it d)I like it
Clicker Questions 3. Complete the dialog: Salve signore, come sta Lei? Bene, grazie e ____ ? a)tu b)sta c)Lei d)lei
Clicker Questions 4. Complete the dialog: Buona Sera, come ______________? Mi chiamo Maria, e Lei? a)ti chiami b)Lei chiamo c)si chiama d)chiamono
Clicker Questions 5. What is the word for where in Italian? a)Come b)Dove c)Corso d)Donde