The Power of Protocols 2 7/9/ Georgia SAM Conference 2014 Evergreen Conference Center Stone Mountain, Georgia
What’s your movie?
Which movie are you?
Marvin’s Model
What is the first thing you think of when you hear the word protocol? How does the SAM work support your instructional leadership? How do you use your Time Track data to determine your area of focus? What evidence do you have in support of the SAM process?
Triad Protocol
A is the presenter in this round. This person describes a SAM practice that resulted in success. B is the discussant in this round. This person listens and responds to what A is saying with a comment, question, example, or detail…building on what A is saying. C is the observer in this round, listening quietly, saying nothing, and taking notes. After A and B have talked, C summarizes what they have said, adds comments, and presents some conclusions. ROTATE
Think of a real problem that you need to tackle at the start of the school year. Share your problem with your table. As a table, come to consensus regarding which problem will be discussed. The keeper of the problem describes the problem/dilemma. The group asks clarifying questions. Let the rounds begin... What I heard … One assumption is … A question I have is … What if? The presenter is silent during the rounds.
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