Thursday, 2/09 Pick-up up an ABC Review Chart. In the middle box write “Civil War Unit.” In the other boxes write down anything that starts with that letter and is related to the Civil War unit of study. Get creative!!
Linking Terms Use the sets of terms together in a sentence that expresses or explains their relationship. For example: First Battle of Bull Run and Battle of Gettysburg. With the First Battle of Bull Run, the South started a series of victories that was not stopped until the Union’s triumph at the Battle of Gettysburg.
Linking Terms Emancipation Proclamation Border States Agrarian Society of the South Total War
Tuesday, 2/07 Get your Battle Chart and Vocabulary out. Based on what you have already researched, be ready to share what you think was the most important battle.
Glory Capt. Robert Gould Shaw – white leader of the 54 th Massachusetts Regiment. Dad is a wealthy and prominent abolitionist in Boston, Massachusetts John Rawlins – black gravedigger and father figure for troops Thomas Searles – educated, free black who is a long-time friend of Shaw Tripp – proud, escaped slave who joins troops
Glory A True Story. They joined for freedom. They fought for honor. They found Glory
Monday, 2/06 Please pick-up a reading or worksheet in the bin located in the center of the room.
Warm-up Questions - 2 nd Period only Describe the shift in Northern public opinion that occurred by early March. What led to this change? Why is Fort Sumter an important site in March 1861 (prior to the attack)? What triggers the secession of the upper Southern States and why didn’t they secede earlier? Explain the truth of this statement: The Civil War was not fought over slavery.
Friday, 2/03 Take out your notebook Look over your materials and be prepared with any questions in preparation for the test.
Friday, 2/03 Take out your notebook Let’s update your Table of Contents!
Thursday, 2/02 – 2 nd period only Pick one of the eight events we discussed yesterday that you think had the greatest impact on moving towards war. Defend your decision.
Song Analysis – 5 Ws 2 nd and 4 th Period Who is the song about and who might have written it? What is it about or referring to? Where does it take place? When might this have been written? Why would this have been written? For what purpose would it serve?
Thursday, 2/02 – 3 rd and 4 th period Was the Civil War inevitable? On a blank sheet of paper please write the following question and answer it:
Closer 2/02 – 2 nd and 4 th Period You are the director for a new BLOCKBUSTER movie about the beginning of the Civil War (lead-up or first battles)! Create a movie title and tag-line for to get the word out!
Titanic A Woman’s heart is a deep ocean of secrets. Nothing on Earth could come between them
Wednesday, 2/01 Please open up your notebook to the Table of Contents so that we can do a quick update.
Wednesday, 2/01 As you read about Charles Sumner think about this question, Could this happen in Congress today?
Wednesday, 2/01 – 2 nd Period only Was the Civil War inevitable?
Quilt Square Presentations Open your notebook to the blank piece of paper with the following headings: Name A Way to Remember Tuesday, 1/31 – 4 th Period only
Tuesday, 1/31 – 2 nd /3 rd Period only Please have the worksheet, Cotton, Cotton, Cotton out and ready to review. Make sure you have completed the questions!
Quilt Square Presentations Open your notebook to the blank piece of paper with the following headings: Name A Way to Remember Monday, 1/30
Write the following question on a piece of paper in your notebook and answer it. What kind of problems might be expected after increasing the size of the United States?
Slavery is...
Quilt Square Presentations On a blank piece of paper make two columns with the following headings: Name A Way to Remember Friday, 1/27
Write a letter to Mrs. Parker and Mr. Marley telling us how your new classes are going. What do you like about your new classes? What are you concerned about with your new classes?
Thursday, 1/26 Please take out your US Map and instruction sheet. On the back, please answer question #2, “In what ways might the geography of the US have been an obstacle to settlement?”
Wednesday 1/25 2 nd Period Please drop off the paperwork signed by your parent/guardian in the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk. Please take out your timeline that you finished for homework.
Wednesday 1/25 3 rd Period Please drop off the paperwork signed by your parent/guardian in the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk. Please take out your Classroom Scavenger Hunt.
Wednesday 1/25 4 th Period Please drop off the paperwork signed by your parent/guardian in the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk.
Tuesday, 1/24 Welcome back to class! Find your seat! Please drop off the paperwork signed by your parent/guardian in the bin on Mrs. Parker’s desk. Take out your textbook.