2016/1/141 A novel method for detecting lips, eyes and faces in real time Real-Time Imaging (2003) 277–287 Cheng-Chin Chiang*,Wen-Kai Tai,Mau-Tsuen Yang, Yi-Ting Huang,Chi-Jaung Huang Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Dong Hwa University 報告者 何寬宸
2016/1/142 Real-time face detection algorithm Real-time face detection locating faces in images and videos finds not only the face regions precise locations of the facial components (eyes and lips) Simple quadratic polynomial model skin pixels lips Removes the falsely extracted components verifying with rules derived from the spatial and geometrical relationships of facial components. Experimental results both accuracy and speed for detecting faces
2016/1/143 Rules for skin-color region extraction 1/3 The purpose reduce the searching time for possible face regions Alleviate the influence of environment light brightness adopts the chromatic color coordinate for color representation
2016/1/144 Rules for skin-color region extraction 2/3
2016/1/145 Rules for skin-color region extraction 3/3 Filter out the non-skin
2016/1/146 Rules for lips and eyes detection Higher extraction speed The discrimination function should be computationally efficient The detection of lip pixels can be done in parallel with the detection of skin pixels in one scan of the image or video frame. Eye components are extracted histogram-equalized grayscale image threshold operation (Threshold =20)
2016/1/147 Rules for component verifications and face region determination Angle be in the range [-45 45] Spatial rules Geometry rules
2016/1/148 The arbitration of confusing eye–lip triangles Skin color ratio (SCR)
2016/1/149 Performance evaluation The implemented system has two modes of operations. detect faces in video frames captured from a PC camera in real time. off-line mode that is designed to detect faces in still images. Among these 1000 images 815 images with the dimension of 320 X images from WWW.
2016/1/1410 Performance evaluation 1/5
2016/1/1411 Performance evaluation 2/5
2016/1/1412 Performance evaluation 3/5
2016/1/1413 Performance evaluation 4/5
2016/1/1414 Performance evaluation 5/5
2016/1/1415 Concluding remarks The light condition must be normal. light compensation/correction pre-processing The facial components must appear on the images as clearly as possible developing more improved component-based detection verification process for incomplete facial components.
Vision and Autonomous Systems Center (VSAC) of CMU,on the web page bin/demos/findface.cgi. 2016/1/1416