Workforce Analytics Dashboard ACT-IAC Human Capital SIG HR Analytics Roundtable March 13, 2014 Presented by Ms. Beth Schulz Automated Synergy The interaction of multiple elements in a system to produce an effect different or greater than the sum of their individual effects
Enabling Workforce Insights Collecting Data Harnessing Data Staffing Analytics Data by Design: Data Warehouse Storing Intergrading Retrieving Visualization: WFA Dashboard Intuitive Graphical Presentation Low-frequency Forecasting A Team Sport: Team Start Up Data Custodian Contextual Analyst Data Visualizer Need to address policies and procedures related to protecting the privacy and security of HR big data. Need to have the right talent and technology in place with structured workflows, right permissions and working relationships with subject matter/domain experts. Need to accommodate increasing demand to integrate HR data and Manpower Requirements, Talent Management, Financial and Total Force information.
Data/Dashboard Framework Draws on Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS) data deposited in NAVSEA’s Corporate Data Warehouse (CDW) CDW uses BusinessObjects™ Business Intelligence (BI) platform for middleware and reporting Dashboard built using compatible SAP Xcelsius Software V.3.1 ERP DCPDS TFMMS X E-DACM Manpower Rqmt Personnel Records AWF Development
Dashboard Development Dashboard development involved 4 main tasks: Data Validation, Cleansing and Parsing Data Analysis and Metric Creation Understand and graphically demonstration behaviors Design and Build the Dashboard Process Control Visualization Gauge data for Dashboard Display; Alerts, (R/G/Y) Initial Dashboard design has 4 Perspectives to: Implement immediate use of the software and functionality Evolve from a statistical reporting to dashboarding environment, cultivating change and understanding NAVSEA Workforce Analytics Dashboard is a work in process
Dashboard Advantage Easily access Enterprise information, optimizing the use of IT infrastructure and resources (over 56,000 people nationwide) Ability to select Business Unit Ability to drill down to Directorate/Code Faster time to view and understand the multifaceted information Enhance executive awareness from where we are to how we got here Recognize how personnel retention, attrition and hiring can be driven by overall economic trends Maximize business knowledge by displaying metrics to understand correlating factors Help organization communicate and track execution of the workforce plan
Snapshot Perspective Transforms civilian personal data into relevant information to readily understand the existing NAVSEA workforce Easily access to enterprise information, optimizing the use of IT infrastructure and resources Ability to select Business Unit Ability to drill down to Directorate/Code Faster time to view and understand the information
Trend Perspective Historical background of workforce to increase awareness and understanding (10 year trend analysis) Used to understand employee life cycle behaviors and identify outliers Enhances executive awareness from where we are (snapshot perspective), to how we got here
Operating Perspective Provides the insight required for executive decisions making Recognize how personnel retention, attrition and hiring can be driven by overall economic trends Maximizes business knowledge by displaying metrics to understand correlating factors Presents a Business Intelligence solution to make fact-based decisions to act quickly and confidently and achieve notable results
Strategic Perspective Helps organization communicate and track execution of the workforce plan Metric indexes of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are designed to balance the desire for all metrics possible against the need to not overwhelm users with data Alerts when KPI metrics are going off course to take corrective action quickly and stay on track Drills down to focus efforts where they are needed the most, focusing on barrier analysis and action Visually gauge the shape of your strategies in a matter of minutes
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