your name Visualization of abstract syntax trees
your name Overview Coco/R Aims of this project Current Options Approach Benefits
your name Compilers
your name Coco/R Compiler Generator Grammars Parser Scanner
your name Aims of project Produce an IDE for Coco/R Ease of use Increased User awareness Visualize abstract syntax trees
your name Current Options VCOCO –Lacks AST visualization ANTLR –Large –Complicated Notepad
your name Integrated Development Environment
your name Visualisation While (1 < p && p < 9 ) p = p + q;
your name Benefits Easier for new users Better error recovery Understanding Increased code manageability Code optimisation
your name
Zen: a Buddhist doctrine that enlightenment can be attained through direct intuitive insight
your name question-mark-made-with-black-stones.php