4 th Grade OPEN HOUSE
Developing Independence Help your child gain confidence and develop important life skills: Organization skills Accountability Preparing for the next day Chores Bedtime – adequate sleep affects academic performance and emotional state “Why is discipline important? Discipline teaches us to operate by principle rather than desire.” ― John F. MacArthur Jr. John F. MacArthur Jr.
Homework Please check your child’s homework for completeness and accuracy. Students should read a minimum of 20 minutes daily to develop fluency, vocabulary, and endurance. Reading to/with your child is also beneficial. Reading log is due on Fridays with a parent or guardian signature. Assigned spelling homework is due Friday. Students should be studying daily using whatever methods are effective. Math homework is due the day after it’s assigned. Work on multiplication fact fluency daily – 5 to 10 minutes of focused practice.
Music & PE Schedule BROWN Homeroom Monday – Music, PE Tuesday – Music Wednesday – PE Thursday – PE Friday - Art Please Wear closed toe shoes (preferably) athletic shoes on PE days. Absolutely NO flip flops in PE. SNYDER Homeroom Monday – Art, PE Tuesday – Music Wednesday – Music Thursday – PE Friday - PE
Library Please Encourage your child to keep their library books in their backpack when not reading them. As of right now… Mrs. Snyder’s homeroom – Wednesdays, 8:30 – 9:00 Mrs. Brown’s homeroom – Fridays, 2:30 – 3:00
Kreinhop Manners 1. Treat others the way you would like to be treated. 2. This is your education... invest all you’ve got. 3. Turn class work in on time and give your best effort. 4. Be responsible and accountable. 5. Communicate appropriately.
Spring 2014 Writing test - 2 parts - 2 days April 1 and 2 Math – April 22 Reading – April 23 Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (state curriculum): STAAR (state assessment) Resources/Information:
OTHER Tuesday Folders Snacks/Water Bottles Agenda/Planner Skill of Attentive Listening Parent Communication Progress Reports Parent Connect – District Assessments Fluency – reading and fact fluency Parent Conference Day – October 14 Programs – KidBiz, Gizmos, learning.com
Attendance We were disappointed that Kreinhop did not meet our attendance goals last year and it hurt us in many areas. This year we have set new goals and are working hard to meet them and need everyone’s help. Please have your children at school each day. Being on time and remaining in school for the entire school day is a critical part of student success. We teach from bell to bell at Kreinhop. It is important to be in class each day as close to 8:00 as possible. Early Dismissals
From Mrs.Trammell… Reminder that class placements are always tentative and often have to be adjusted after the first 10 days of school to adhere to the 22/1 ratios. This year one of our campus goals is for all students to participate in hands on science labs weekly. There is a giving tree in the front hallway to help stock the science lab with needed materials. Feel free to take a leaf, purchase the item and return it to the front office. October 8 th – Kreinhop’s Curriculum Night
From PTO… Please join PTO ($10). Membership supports class parties and your membership entitles you to a student directory. The membership drive is in full swing and if our class wins for the grade level, we get a pajama day and bragging rights. Please sign the “PTO/Room Parent Information” sign-up sheets by the door. You will then receive s from our Room Parent or the PTO about upcoming events. Signing up does not obligate anyone to volunteer or serve as the Room Parent. It will be the only way the Room Parent will know which parents have students in their class. Of course, anyone interested in serving as the Room Parent is welcome to put an asterisk by your name or write “Room Parent” out in the margin and the Room Parent Coordinators will follow up with you.
Communication Mrs. Brown Mrs. Snyder Please call to schedule conferences. We will not answer phones during the instructional part of the day. You are welcome to leave a message or send an . Our Conference/Planning Time is 10:00 – 10:45 daily (except for Mondays)