JAVA COLLECTIONS LIBRARY School of Engineering and Computer Science, Victoria University of Wellington COMP T2, Lecture 2 Thomas Kuehne
TODAY 2 Libraries and code reuse Java’s Collections Library ArrayList (our first example) Interfaces and Classes Administrivia: No cap on foreign material in submitted assignments but only original parts will be marked ecs100 library has been updated ( /lib/userlib/, in particular Mac users)
3 Programming with Libraries Modern programs (with GUIs, databases, network access, etc.) are too big to build from scratch, so we have to reuse code written by other people.... Libraries contain code designed for reuse Java has a huge number of standard libraries... organised in packages, which are groups of Classes The ecs100 library has some very useful classes (eg. UI) There are LOTS of other libraries as well Learning to use libraries is ESSENTIAL Java API
4 Libraries for COMP103 ecs100Special classes for text/graphical input and output, especially for GUI java.utilCollection classes, and other utility classes java.ioClasses for input and output javax.swingLarge libraries of classes for GUI jawa.awt programs We will use libraries in almost every program
Read the documentation to pick useful library Import the package or class into your program import java.util.*; import ecs100.*; Read the documentation to identify how to use Constructors for making instances Methods that you can call Interfaces that you can / need to implement Use the classes as if they were part of your program 5 Using Libraries Java API
6 “Standard” Collections Common ways of organizing a collection of values: Each of these is a different type of collection Collection BagGraphTreeStackQueueListMapSet
Java Collections Library Standard collections (eg. Set, List, Map, etc.) are available to use Collections specified as interfaces Collection, Set, List, Queue – are all interfaces Using collections implies using one of the many concrete classes that implement these interfaces. E.g. You can use: ArrayList (a class) which implements List (an interface).... 7
8 8 You have been using ArrayList Part of the Java Collections framework Stores a LIST of items a collection of items kept in a particular order Part of the java.util package ⇒ need import java.util.*; at the head of your file You can make a new ArrayList object, and put items in it Don’t have to specify its size: Like an infinitely stretchable array Need to specify the type of items Cannot use the [...] notation You have to call methods to access and assign
9 9 Using ArrayList: declaring List of students (assume we have a class called Student ) Array private static final int maxStudents = 1000; private Student[ ] students = new Student[maxStudents]; private int count = 0; ArrayList private ArrayList students = new ArrayList (); Type of elements in the list is between “ ” after ArrayList No initial size (!), No maximum
10 Using ArrayList: methods ArrayList has many methods! size(): returns the number of items in the list add(item): adds an item to the end of the list add(index, item): inserts an item at index (moves later items up) set(index, item): replaces the item at index with item contains(item): true if the list contains an item that equals item get(index): returns the item at position index remove(item): removes an occurrence of item remove(index): removes the item at position index (both “removes” move the later items down) You can use the “for each” loop on an ArrayList, as well as a regular for loop TIP: Read Documentation from sidebar of course homepage
11 Using ArrayList private List students = new ArrayList (); Student s = new Student(“Davy Jones”, ); students.add(s); for (Student st: students) UI.println(st.toString()); for (int i = students.size()-1; i>=0; i--) UI.println(students.get(i).toString()); if (students.contains(currentStudent)) { UI.println(currentStudent); students.remove(currentStudent); }....
12 Collection An object that serves as a container for other objects Type of Elements (a collection of ….) Structure (none/linear/hierarchical) Constraints (duplicates allowed ? Access: add anywhere, remove from one end only, get from top, etc…)
13 Example Bag : an example of a collection Type of Elements Bag of Students Structure No structure/order Constraints Duplicates allowed, add/remove anywhere (no ordering) Collection type Element type
14 Is ArrayList a Collection type then? Type of Elements ArrayList of Students Structure linear order Constraints Duplicates allowed, add/remove anywhere actually no! ArrayList is not a Collection type. List is! ArrayList is just ONE WAY to implement a List
extends implements interface what it is an implementation (= a class) how it is implemented Interfaces are organised in a hierarchy; they “extend” one another
Interfaces … Collection most general: “a container” List ordered collection Set unordered, no duplicates Queue ordered collection with limited access (add at one end, remove from other) Map key-value pairs …specify the types Classes… List classes: ArrayList, LinkedList, Vector Set classes: HashSet, TreeSet, EnumSet, LinkedHashSet,… Map classes: EnumMap, HashMap, TreeMap, LinkedHashMap, WeakHashMap, … …… …implement the interfaces Java Collections Library 16 abstract concrete
Java Interfaces 17 At the simplest level: An interface is a bunch of method signatures with a name (Method signatures only, no bodies) At a higher level: An interface is an abstract concept that defines: the operations that are supported by an object of this type (how it will behave) No concrete details! No constructors- can’t make an instance No fields- doesn’t say how to store the data No method bodies- doesn’t say how to perform the operations Details provided by Classes that implement the Interface
18 Abstract Data Types (ADT) an ADT is a data type, described at an abstract level: Specifies the operations that are supported by an object of this type Outlines how it will behave A Java Interface corresponds to an Abstract Data Type Specifies what methods can be called on objects of this type (specifies name, parameters and types, and type of return value) Behaviour of methods is given in comments only (and hence cannot be enforced)
Earlier, we declared a list of students like this: private ArrayList students = new ArrayList (); BETTER / NOW: declare as an instance of the interface List: private List students = new ArrayList (); 19 Declaring a List
Libraries Collections Interfaces – correspond to ADTs. No concrete details e.g., Collection, List, Set, … Classes – provide implementations for interfaces e.g., ArrayList implements an interface (List) from the Java Collections Library Summary 20
How do we define the type of element a collection contains ? Constructing a new object of an appropriate collection class. What can we do with collections ? What methods can we call on them ? How do we iterate through all the elements of a collection ? How do we choose the right collection interface and class ? What if there isn’t the right class for what we want ? What’s Next ? 21