MaViPhi Nguyen Van Hien - Vietnam Generoso Mazo - Philippines Tran Duc Tuan – Lee Shok Mee –
MaViPhi foundation Learning process assessment & instrument goal input Content activites ESD & EFA point of view Educational technology, PBL, tellecollaboration, multi-cultural Experimental learning, reflection & action based learning, networks Air pollution3 RsEcological footprint Website; video clips; knowledge; skills, & values 1.Partnerships in Climate Change Education (CCE), Communication & education 2.Develop understanding & skills in CC communication
MaViPhi PROJECT/LEARNING GOALS Based on the PBL and telecollaboration approaches the project aims to establish and develop regional school partnerships in the 3 countries (Malaysia, Philippine and Vietnam) on education and communication on climate change, specifically on reducing ecological footprint in order to enhance and promote understanding and awareness as well as capacity of the teachers and pupils in the 3 partner countries to tackle climate change challenges in their respective countries
MaViPhi LEARNING OBJECTIVES: 1.Pupils can identify the instances of degradation of social, economic and environmental conditions in their local areas due to the heavy ecological footprint (climate change). 2. Pupils can understand the reasons of degradation of social, economic and environmental conditions in their local areas and in partner schools due to the heavy ecological footprint (climate change). 3.Pupils will commit themselves to act individually or collectively to reduce the ecological footprint in their respective communities/countries. 4.Pupils will appreciate the effects of their proper actions towards reducing the ecological footprint in their respective communities/countries. 5.Pupils will embrace the proper value system to sustain their commitment towards reducing the ecological footprint locally and globally.
MaViPhi STUDENT ANALYSIS Upper elementary pupils in the urban area Pupils of different socio-economic backgrounds who are willing to actively participate in the project Pupils of different learning abilities who are willing to actively participate in the project
MaViPhi DESCRIPTION OF PBL Ways elementary pupils can contribute in reducing the ecological footprint through sustainable lifestyle such as; saving energy, minimize use of natural resources; Know and document the factors that contribute to heavy ecological footprint in the three countries; Produce a video in each collaborating school to showcase the ways to reduce ecological footprint; Consolidate the data and produce a video for the whole experience of the collaboration of the 3 countries.
MaViPhi ACTIVITY DESIGN TIME FRAMEEVENT November 2012Creating collaborative group & determine topics for collaboration January 2013Recruiting project schools February 2013Discussion with subject teachers March – April 2013Survey & interview (by pupils) May 2013Implementing PBL to make portfolio & video clips on ecological footprint June – August 2013Sharing of portfolio & video clips among network of schools September 2013Consolidate the outputs from the 3 countries (after September)Disseminate
MaViPhi ASSESSMENT CATEGORY4321Score ConceptTeam has a clear picture of what they are trying to achieve. Each member can describe what they are trying to do and generally how his/her work will contribute to the final product. Team has a fairly clear picture of what they are trying to achieve. Each member can describe what they are trying to do overall but has trouble describing how his/her work will contribute to the final product. Team has brainstormed their concept, but no clear focus has emerged for the team. Team members may describe the goals/final product differently. Team has spent little effort on brainstorming and refining a concept. Team members are unclear on the goals and how their contriubtions will help them reach the goal. StoryboardStoryboard is complete with sketches for each scene, detailed notes on titles, transitions, special effects, sound, etc. Storyboard reflects outstanding planning and organization for the visuals in the video. Storyboard is relatively complete with sketches for most scenes, and notes on titles, transitions, special effects, sound, etc. Storyboard reflects effective planning and organization for the visuals in the video. Storyboard has glaring omissions in scene planning. There are some sketches, and notes on titles, transitions, special effects, sound, etc. Storyboard reflects attempts at planning and organization for the visuals in the video. Storyboard is not done or is so incomplete that it could not be used even as a general guide. Storyboard reflects very little planning of the visuals. rubric
MaViPhi ASSESSMENT CATEGORY4321Score ResearchNote cards indicate that the group members developed questions about the assigned topic, consulted at least 3 reference sources, developed a position based on their sources, and correctly cited their sources. Note cards indicate that the group members consulted at least 3 reference sources, developed a position based on their sources, and correctly cited their sources. Note cards indicate that the group members consulted at least 2 reference sources, developed a position based on their sources, and correctly cited their sources. There are fewer than two notecards OR sources are incorrectly cited. E-CommunicationActively participates and routinely provides useful ideas when participating in online discussions. Use appropriate communicaton tools. Usually participate and provides useful ideas when participating in online discussions. Use one or two communication tools. Sometimes provides useful ideas when participating in online discussions. Use only one communication tool. Rarely provides useful ideas when participating in online discussions. Use an inappropriate communication tool. rubric