GEF International Waters Conference - Cairns 2009 ) Science for Management and Development of Joint Statement University of Wollongong Australian National.


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Presentation transcript:

GEF International Waters Conference - Cairns 2009 ) Science for Management and Development of Joint Statement University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security Pre Conference Workshop Global Change and Marine Resources Marine Workshop

Science for Managers ) The aim of this session To consider the critical science/manager interface Implications for how it might be addressed in future GEF IW programs University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security

Science for Managers ) Panel has first hand experience of, program design and management of research conduct and of the post research communication tasks of applying the resulting information to management objectives. The session will explore the science management interface from both sides University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security

Joint Statement Brief ) University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security What are the challenges for transboundary water systems with regard to climatic variability and change? What do governments and transboundary waters joint institutions need to do to address those challenges? What type of assistance is needed from GEF IW focal area to meet those challenges during the next GEF replenishment?

Alphabet Pie University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security ICM, ICAM,ICOM, ICZM ESD, EBM, EBFM, FMP MPA, MEPA,GRSMPA LME CBM, MS, LMMA

Lessons from ICOM University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security Fisheries management without demonstrable sustainability and performance reporting does not work Marine parks without the human element don’t work Integration hard but essential

Lessons from failure of MPAs University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security Paper parks breed poaching and collapse People not involved, aren’t aware, don’t comply Managers not resourced, don’t enforce, don’t involve Designs unenforceable Biophysical science base good - Socioeconomic base poor

EBM: University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security Scientifically informed Socio economically informed Integrated – the policy umbrella Multiple use Demonstrably sustainable use Marine Reserves conserve biological diversity Maintains ecosystem processes

Science for Managers Barriers to science? “Barriers to science in the coastal zone”. Salvat, B., ed Human Impacts on Coral Reefs: Facts and Recommendations University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security

Science for Managers ) Barriers to Management? We don’t manage marine ecosystems We manage human behaviours – what people do or do not do. The science of the drivers of human uses and impacts lags far behind the science of their effects. University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security

Science for Managers ) University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security What drives political will? Science based or science driven management? Whose job is it to turn science into management information?

Science for Managers ) University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security Science based or science driven management? Whose job is it to turn science into information?

Science for Managers ) University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security Who defines the product? By what process?

Science for Managers ) University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security How to address disputed science and information?

Science for Managers ) University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security The scientist as Expert? Advocate? Manager? How should scientists engage/be engaged in management policy and application? How should managers engage/be engaged in science policy and application?

Science for Managers ) University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security How should science/and or management engage with the community in: Data collection? Information preparation? Information interpretation and communication?

Thank You

Joint Statement Brief ) University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security What are the challenges for transboundary water systems with regard to climatic variability and change? Biophysical Thermal stress bleaching Acidification Meterological change, flows and storms Land sourced inputs to coastal waters

Joint Statement Brief ) University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security What are the challenges for transboundary water systems with regard to climatic variability and change? Biophysical Altered flows to nearshore ecosystem processes Objectives and conditions for ecological sustainability

Joint Statement Brief ) University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security What are the challenges for transboundary water systems with regard to climatic variability and change? Socioeconomic Population and economic development drivers superimposed on biophysical Institutional – effective integration within and between jurisdictions

Joint Statement Brief ) University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security What do governments and transboundary waters joint institutions need to do to address those challenges? Understand drivers Governance to engage and address drivers Inform and engage with affected community Involve in monitoring, information and management Legislate to underpin voluntary measures

Joint Statement Brief ) University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security What type of assistance is needed from GEF IW focal area to meet those challenges during the next GEF replenishment? Incorporate and invest in socioeconomic research as integral part of assessments and strategies

Concepts of EBM University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security Beyond Acronyms – Making Marine Ecosystem and Resource Management work.

Alphabet Pie University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security ICM, ICAM,ICOM, ICZM ESD, EBM, EBFM, FMP MPA, MEPA,GRSMPA LME CBM, MS, LMMA

This Presentation University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security Alphabet Pie Keys to EBM Changing views and understandings Lessons learned

Thank You ) University of Wollongong Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security