IATI – Version 2.02 Report to IATI Steering Committee – 3 December 2015
Decimal vs Integer bug-fixes code list modifications minor additions to the standard which improve the functionality without introducing substantial new content changes will be optional changes will be backwardly compatible. Minor or Decimal Upgrades (eg to 2.02) substantial additions involving new areas of data new mandatory fields changes that are not backwardly compatible proposed minor upgrades that are disputed by one or more signatories. Major or Integer Upgrades (eg to 2.01)
Decimal upgrade procedures Once a quarter the TAG Secretariat will select those proposals meeting the abovementioned guidelines and prepare a proposed decimal upgrade. The contents of this proposed upgrade will be published on the Knowledge Base and all signatories and publishers of IATI data will be informed of its contents by . If no objections are received within 14 days, the upgrade will be submitted to the IATI Secretariat for approval, and the upgrade will be implemented. Any objections will be addressed through further open discussion and modifications to try to achieve consensus of the participants disputing the proposal, with the IATI Secretariat acting as arbiter as necessary. The consultation period will be extended by a further 14 days if an objection results in a change to the proposed upgrade. If consensus cannot be reached the proposed change will be referred to a major upgrade. IATI SC – October 2011
Timeline... Suggestions always open 26 Aug Deadline for suggestions announced 14 Sep Suggestions closed 21 Sep IATI Tech Team Proposal 7 Oct Consultation ends 19 Oct Proposal Refined and development version created 23 Nov Community Inspection closes 30 Nov Final version locked down 7 Dec Live
Consultation ForumCommunity calls Private s and conversations
Humanitarian Extension or Standard? UN OCHA Financial Tracking Service names IATI as preferred reporting channel World Humanitarian Summit 2016 focuses on better data Planned extension to IATI included in standard proper
Humanitarian Fields Activity and transaction level Policy markers use existing element Flags Emergencies and Appeals Humanitarian Scope Included as Sector vocabulary Clusters Pledges NOT included Commitments
Humanitarian Timeliness Sudden-onset emergencies require ‘real time’ data IATI-FTS automated turnaround can take place overnight Activity process flag designed for fast- tracking publication and discovery of humanitarian activities ECHO EDRIS also engaged
Results Machine readable vocabularies and codes Allowance for publisher’s own coding Classification of indicators Indicator metrics can be disaggregated by location, gender, age or user-defined categories Disaggregation
Other (1) Goals and Targets added as Sector vocabularies. Indicators placeholder added Crossing mappings between SDGs and other sector vocabularies under way SDGs Committed vs Indicative Budget Status In Organisation standard with flexible reporting of expense lines Total expenditure
Other (2) To match Incoming Funds Incoming Commitment Publishers link to online in-house code lists Publisher vocabulary URIs Metadata available on activation, withdrawal and current status of code list values. Code list management
Version 2.02 in Summary Timeliness, Emergency, Appeals, Clusters Humanitarian Coded indicators, Disaggregation Results SDGs, Budget status, Total expenditure, Code list management Other