Making Join Us work for you
Growing Guiding Project – End of Quarter 2 48 – Reduction of 62% against a target of 75% Nationally a reduction of 31% 31/10/2014 – – Reduction of 43% against a target of 75% Nationally a reduction of 17% 31/10/ /11 Total 1790 (1229 over 21 days) 269 (208) Berkshire 200 (158) Bristol & SG 193 (135) Gloucestershire 147 (101) Hampshire East 141 (96) Hampshire North 122 (95) Wiltshire North 128 (81) Hampshire West 129 (78) Devon 116 (76) Somerset 124 (68) Dorset 64 (46) Cornwall 69 (37) Somerset North 57 (25) Wiltshire South 12 (11) Isle of Wight 9 (7) Guernsey 10 (6) Jersey Volunteers Girls 17/11 Total – 98 (42 over 21days) 20(16) Berkshire 9(5) Somerset North 7(4) Wiltshire South 9(3) Hampshire West 9 (3) Cornwall 10(3) Somerset 3 (2) Hampshire East 2 (1) Devon 7 (1) Gloucestershire 3 (1) Dorset 1 (1) Isle of Wight 1 (1) Guernsey 3 (0) Wiltshire North 5 (0) Hampshire North 8 (0) Bristol & SG 1 (0) Jersey
Growing Guiding Project – Waiting-to-join Total Number 13, are eligible to be Rainbows NOW 3444 are aged 4 so will be looking to join in the next year – 50% Berkshire1377 Hampshire West669 Bristol & SG669 Hampshire North615 Dorset598 Gloucestershire504 Devon487 Somerset North451 Hampshire East371 Wiltshire North358 Wiltshire South255 Somerset228 Cornwall175 Jersey35 Guernsey27 Isle of Wight22 1st Kennet Vale District104 1st Saltney Mead District61 1st Crowthorne55 2nd Earley48 3rd Saltash47 1st Newbury South District47 1 st Christchurch District41 4 th Fair Oak40 40 th Bristol (Horfield Baptist)38 1 st Clewer37 1 st Woodley Green37 1 st Fleet West37
TotalQuery TypeStatusReferredRegistration type Total No of request 4 Aug 14 to 31 Oct 14 No Response to Join Us Waiting List Interested in Changing Units Unit Details/Leader details Less than 21 days Registration Query Other Open Resolved Assumed Resolved No of requests referred to Dist/Div Comm No of requests referred to County Comm Rainbows Brownies Guides Senior Section Volunteer Unknown Berkshire Bristol & South Gloucestershire Cornwall Devon Dorset Gloucestershire Guernsey Hampshire East Hampshire North Hampshire West Isle of Wight Jersey Somerset Somerset North Wiltshire North Wiltshire South Unknown Totals
Where can you get help? District/Division Commissioner County Join Us Coordinator County Go Coordinator Region Office Clair Beaver Julie Brown or (after 7pm)
Join Us: Girl Enquiries
Available Actions Call Back Enquiry moves to ‘Contacted’ Box for the local contact to action again on a pre-determined date. Arrange meeting Enquiry moves to ‘Meetings Arranged’ for the local contact to action again after they have attended their first unit meeting. Decided not to join Enquiry is deleted and removed from the system. Not appropriate area Enquiry is referred to the County Join Us Coordinator for action, to help them to locate a new unit. Contact made – awaiting enquirer Enquiry moves to ‘Contacted’ box for the local contact to action again after the enquirer has returned the contact. CONVERSATION
Available Actions Change Call Back Time The enquiry stays in your ‘Contacted’ box. Decision not to join Enquiry is deleted and removed from the system. Waiting to join Enquiry is added to the unit’s waiting-to-join list. Arrange meeting Enquiry moves to ‘Meetings Arranged’ for the local volunteer to action again after they have met for their first unit meeting. How long should you wait for the enquirer to respond to your contact?
Available Actions Re-arrange Meeting The enquiry stays in your ‘Meetings Arranged’ box. Meeting Decision If the enquirer has decided to join, their record is updated and confirmation of this will be asked for to push the enquiry to Go!. Move back to waiting-to-join list The enquiry moves back to your unit’s waiting list. PICTURE HERE
Available Actions Move to unit on Go! The enquiry moves to the relevant level on Go! with their new role. PICTURE HERE
Available Actions Decision not to join The enquiry is removed from the system. Arrange meeting The enquiry moves to the meetings arranged box for their first unit meeting. Why are there two lists for girls wanting to join a unit?
Join Us: Volunteer Enquiries
Available Actions Call Back Enquiry moves to ‘Contacted’ Box for the local contact to action again on a pre-determined date. Arrange meeting Enquiry moves to ‘Meetings Arranged’ for the local contact to action again after they have met. Decided not to join Enquiry is deleted and removed from the system. Not appropriate area Enquiry is referred to the County Join Us Coordinator for action, to help them to locate a new area. Contact made – awaiting enquirer Enquiry moves to ‘Contacted’ box for the local contact to action again after the prospective volunteer has returned the contact. CONVERSATION
Available Actions Change Call Back Time The enquiry stays in your ‘Contacted’ box. Decision not to join Enquiry is deleted and removed from the system. Arrange meeting Enquiry moves to ‘Meetings Arranged’ for the local contact to action again after they have met. How long should you wait for the enquirer to respond to your contact?
Available Actions Re-arrange Meeting The enquiry stays in your ‘Meetings Arranged’ box. Meeting Decision If the enquirer has decided to join, the local Volunteer will update with their level and role and the enquiry record will move to ‘Awaiting Recruitment Checks’. If the volunteer has decided not to join, their record will be removed from Join Us. PICTURE HERE
Available Actions Move back to ‘Meeting Arranged’ The enquiry moves back to the meetings arranged box because the enquirer has changed the role they would like to undertake or they are no longer interested in joining. ‘No Actions available’ What are the delays at this part of the process? How can we ensure it goes as smoothly as possible? PICTURE HERE
Available Actions Move to relevant level on Go! The enquiry moves to the relevant level on Go! with their new role and if relevant their recruitment check information. PICTURE HERE
What now? Membership Card Access to Go! Leadership Qualification
Parents/ potential volunteers receive an informing them that the unit leader will contact them within 21 days Put as much detail as you can in the comments box Deletions can only by done by your Join Us coordinator or region Waiting to join is for girls that have not been a member of Girlguiding before Waiting to transfer is for girls that are already a member of Girlguiding and have a membership number The main contact does not have to be the unit leader Ask for help Things to remember!