Rise of Judaism
Judaism Monotheistic (One god) Monotheistic (One god) - Yahweh (Creator of the World) - Yahweh (Creator of the World) - Compared to other polytheistic religions - Compared to other polytheistic religions Torah (Old Testament) Torah (Old Testament) - Sacred text of the Hebrew people - Sacred text of the Hebrew people - Abraham - Abraham - Established a covenant with God around 2000 BC - Established a covenant with God around 2000 BC - Hebrews would be God’s chosen people - Hebrews would be God’s chosen people - Promised them the land of Canaan (Palestine) - Promised them the land of Canaan (Palestine)
Moses Slavery Slavery - Hebrew peoples later moved into Egypt because of famine and became slaves - Hebrew peoples later moved into Egypt because of famine and became slaves Moses Moses - Hebrew leader who led them out of slavery in Egypt - Hebrew leader who led them out of slavery in Egypt Exodus Exodus - The story of the Hebrews leaving the slavery of - The story of the Hebrews leaving the slavery of Egypt Egypt Mosaic Law Mosaic Law - The codes of rules established during the early period of - The codes of rules established during the early period of Hebrew history governing everyday life Hebrew history governing everyday life
10 Commandments (on Mt. Sinai) 1. No other gods 2. No Idol worship 3. Do not take the Lord’s Name in Vain 4. Remember the Sabbath Day 5. Honor thy Father and Mother 6. Do Not Kill 7. Do Not Commit Adultery 8. Do Not Steal 9. Do Not Bear False Witness 10. Do Not Covert Other’s Belongings
Kingdom of Israel David David - Established a strong Hebrew Kingdom called Israel by 1000 BC - Established a strong Hebrew Kingdom called Israel by 1000 BC - Israelites - Israelites Solomon Solomon - Son of David - Son of David - Known for his wise rule - Known for his wise rule - Jerusalem becomes a great capital city - Jerusalem becomes a great capital city - built a great Temple to God - built a great Temple to God