Hepatitis C Support Groups Therapeutic BenefitsAdvocacy Benefits Patient education on disease state and treatment options Peer support Promote lifestyle changes Empowerment of patients to pursue positive health behaviors Outreach to patients disengaged in care to link to care Coordination of patients to participate in collaborations to promote policy change Jessop, A., et.al. (2004) Gastroenterology nursing, 27:4, Woolhouse, S., et.al. (2013) International Journal of Drug Policy, 24, 550– 557
Hepatitis C screening NYC DOH-HCV Clinical Exchange Network Mount Sinai Beth Israel A formal group of hospital representatives and hepatitis C Champions from each institution to form a learning collaborative Champion will initiate a screening program within their institutions and share data with the NYC DOH Clinical Exchange Network will provide training to increase the number of HCV treaters in NYC Implement a model of screening inpatients utilizing EMR reminder HCV ab positive results will be sent to the Champion Patients will be contacted and provided HCV education and offered appointment for evaluation with HCV treater within MSBI NYC DOH, HepCx, 2015
Hepatitis B Screening Clinical trial to provide office based screening for viral hepatitis is Asian American communities. Patients that are screened positive are offered evaluation and treatment