The Prodigal Son – Part 1 Son asking for inheritance (v. 12) wishing his father dead Working with pigs (v. 15) working with unclean animals as shameful / law violation “I am [not] worthy.” (v. 18-19) because he has broken God’s law
Lk. 15:11-19 The Prodigal Son – Part 1 What is strange about the younger son’s request of his father? What happens to all his money? What’s his plan for going home?
The Prodigal Son Lk. 15:11 Lk. 15:1-2 Who do the three characters in the parable represent?
Prodigal (Wasteful) Son The Prodigal Son Father = ________ Elder Son = ________ Prodigal (Wasteful) Son = ________
Lk. 15:20-24 The Prodigal Son – Part 2 What is the father’s reaction to his son’s return? What are some of the gifts the father offers his son? If the father represents God, what is Jesus trying to explain about God?
The Prodigal Son – Part 2 Father sees the son “still far off” (v. 20) perhaps waiting; an unexpected welcome Story speaks to God’s love (v. 20, 24) defies common sense, how we want God to love
Lk. 15:25-32 The Prodigal Son – Part 3 How does the elder brother react to his sibling’s return? What in this part of the story tips off this brother’s comparison with the Pharisees?
The Prodigal Son – Part 3 Elder brother’s attitude (v. 28-29) resentment , anger, jealousy angry at whom? Elder brother distances himself (v. 30) Pharisees = “Separate Ones”
Discussion: The Prodigal Son Which character do you most sympathize with? Why? Do you think the father was a “good father?” Why or why not? What do you think happens next in the story?