Allegory An allegory is a form of extended metaphor in which the narrative, characters, setting, etc. represent something that lies outside the story.


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Presentation transcript:

Allegory An allegory is a form of extended metaphor in which the narrative, characters, setting, etc. represent something that lies outside the story. Example: Lord of the Flies is about a group of boys on an island, but it is an allegory for war and what happens when people are unregulated by society act on their instincts. Example: The Parable of the Prodigal Son is about a boy who returns to his father, but it is an allegory for sinners returning to God. Hey..

Symbolism Symbolism is when an object, character, word, etc. in a story, novel, poem, etc. represents something else. Example: Red is often symbolic for death or blood, circular rings are symbolic of marriage…doug was also here

Author’s Purpose Purpose is often to inform, persuade, or entertain. Purpose can also be to teach, show, illustrate, or express. In parables and fables, the purpose is often to teach a moral lesson.

Moral A moral is a lesson that is evident by the end of a story. Many themes are morals, but not all morals are themes. Also, stories can have many themes, but usually stories that have morals only have one. For example, the moral of “The Tortoise and the Hare” might be that “slow and steady wins the race.” However, there may be several themes in there, such as, one should never underestimate an opponent, or overconfidence leads to downfall…have a good day Ms.Hohman