Commerce 492 - Agribusiness Venture Management 5 Business Plan Proposals Carolinny Sprouts - a sprouts manufacturer Biostuff - a hog manure biodigester Tree Bien - a greenhouse tree nursery Riverview Farms - a fruit farm CUTO - a greenhouse tomato & cucumber marketer
Business Proposal for Carolinny Sprouts Ltd. Agribusiness Venture Management Commerce 492.3 Bill Brown & Marv Painter October 7, 2000 Dean Hurd Ryan Hunt Chris Kinar Corey Giasson
Mission Statement To do a feasibility analysis of a young business called Carolinny Sprouts. This will include the feasibility of expansion, finding ways to decrease operating costs, and to look at new marketing options. Ways to reduce operating costs? Where is the most feasible place for expansion? What are some innovative ways to market the product?
Product Carolinny’s sprouts are organic and grown in Saskatchewan. Contains no Salmonella or E. coli. Nine different kinds: Alfalfa/Clover, Broccoli, Broccoli Mix, Lentil, Radish, Radish Mix, Onion Mix, Peas, and Sunflower. Plus Cat Grass for your dog or cat at Christmas.
Biodigesters in Saskatchewan: A feasibility Study Sean Ewing Amy Grant Lee Irvine Scott Simonson Connie Tang
What is a biodigester? Converts organic material (hog manure) into simple inorganic substance including N, P, and K Involves microbial, anaerobic digestion Basic products: water, heat, gas (methane and carbon dioxide mainly) and inorganic substances
Features of a Biodigester Eliminate concerns for odor associated with lagoons Avoid ground water contamination Eliminate land requirements and maintenance requirement associated with lagoons Potential to generate energy
Proposal BioStuff Corporation will purchase land near a 5000 sow farrow to finish hog barn and connect to the lagoon feed The BioStuff Corp. will provide the service of waste removal to the barn BioStuff Corp. will market the products as (environmentally friendly) Green StuffTM
“Tree Bién” Seedling Nursery By Shauna Gosselin, Tabitha Loyns, Mark Clements and Kris Kotzer
Goals and Objectives to set up a greenhouse in conjunction with recycled energy from a SaskEnergy compressor station to provide a competitive number of tree seedlings to the marketplace to establish and maintain contacts for the sale of tree seedlings to maintain profitability in all aspects of business management
Riverview Orchard Business Proposal Jason Newton Jeanine Delainey Rebecca Holden Leslie McKenzie
Operations Plan Crops: strawberries, apples, sweet berry honeysuckle, saskatoon berries, cantaloupe, and raspberries Mainly a U-pick operation, some produce sold commercially with primary processing done Crop spraying and rotation to minimize disease and loss of produce
Operations Plan Canteen set up, not as money making venture, but for customer awareness and satisfaction Canteen produce will require minimal financial and mechanical inputs Quality assurance programs implemented to ensure the safety of the food provided for the customers
CUTO Enterprises Business Plan Proposal C. Baillargeon, K. Ivey, C. Mardell & K.Templeton Comm 492.3
CUTO’s Aim Centralized marketing-arm Marketing consistent produce Capture advantages of single-desk selling Still maintain producer control, while clearly defining market standards