Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh1 LARP Strand: Specifications, Procurement and Measurement Plans BNL -FNAL - LBNL - SLAC HiLumi-LHC/LARP Conductor and Cable Internal Review Oct 16-17, 2013 By Video Arup K. Ghosh (BNL)
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh2 Outline 1.Introduction 2.QXF Magnet Strand a.Specification 3.QXF Strand Procurement Plan a.Implementation of 169 design b.Details of Plan 4.Strand Evaluation 5.Summary
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh3 Introduction For the QXF Magnets we use RRP® wire from Oxford Superconducting Technology Strand diameter 0.85 mm Whereas so far HQ has used Ta-Ternary strand, QXF will use Ti-Ternary Nb 3 Sn (Nb- 1.5 at% Ti) 3 -Sn Cable is a 40- strand Rutherford Cable with stainless steel core Wire is currently based on the 108/127 design Specification for the strand is a “performance - based specification” that satisfies the minimum requirements as set by the magnet design.
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh4 Ta-Ternary vs. Ti-Ternary 0.7 mm strand from CDP Influence of Ta and Ti doping on the irreversible strain limit of ternary Nb3Sn superconducting wires made with restacked-rod process* N. Cheggour, L. F. Goodrich, T. C. Stauffer, J. D. Splett, and X.F. Lu, A. K. Ghosh, G. Ambrosio Supercond. Sci. and Tech., 20, (2010) Ti-doped Nb 3 Sn wire more strain tolerant than Ta-doped irr increases to 0.25 % from 0.04 % This has been confirmed for 0.8 mm (Nb-1.5 at% Ti) 3 -Sn strand irr = % as well as strands with 108 and192 filaments. Expect 169 design to be similar.
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh5 Present Specification LARP-MAG-M-8004 Rev. A Strand Diameter, mm0.85 J c (12 T) at 4.2 K, A/mm 2 > 2650 I c, A> 684 J c (15 T) at 4.2 K, A/mm 2 > 1400 I c, A> 381 d s, µm (nominal)< 60 Cu-fraction, %> 53 Cu/non-Cu> 1.13 RRR > 150 Piece length> 750 m d s sub-element diameter J c Critical Current Density RRR residual resistivity ratio 108/127 Reduced-Sn content to obtain high RRR
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh6 Implementing 169 design wire Motivation for adopting 132/169 (144/169) design wire smaller filament diameter: increase stability, lower magnetization HQ02 strand at mm is 108/127 For QXF with 0.85 mm strand a similar filament diameter requires 132 filaments. Note: 108 to 132 is only 10% change in filament diameter Cu/Non-Cu= 1.2
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh7 For LARP QXF magnet SQXF01 Magnet will use 108/127 strand Presenting a plan to use 169-strand in SQXF02 and in LQXF magnets In FY14 with CDP funds, contracts were placed at OST for 180 kg of 144 or132 filament strand with “Reduced-Sn” 90 kg of wire 169-design with 30% increased barrier thickness and “normal-Sn” content. LARP has an existing PO of 275 Kg for 108/127 meeting the specification shown previously Convert to 169- strand with “reduced-Sn”. All future LARP contracts in FY15 for 169-strand Implementing 169 design wire
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh8 Procurement Plan for QXF magnets Require 12 + (1 PC) coils for SQXF; unit length 170 m Require 17 + (1 PC) coils for LQXF; unit length 450 m Assuming 10% loss in strand from cable mapping Total length of strand for SQXF: ~ 470 Kg (94 km) Total length required for LQXF: ~ 1760 Kg (352 km) Present Inventory 350 Kg (Ti-Ternary 108/127 design) 200 Kg (Ta-ternary 108/127 design) Used for Practice coils CDP (Conductor Development Program) will provide ~ 520 Kg 270 Kg 132/169 design May – July’14 250 Kg June’15 LARP procurement in FY’13 for 275 Kg (Ti-ternary 108/127) Convert to 169-strand ? Additional orders to be placed in FY15: ~ 900 Kg, either as one lot or two lots of 550 and 350 Kg
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh9 Strand Procurement and Cabling Schedule For LARP QXF magnet Procurement and Cabling schedule set by the demands of coil fabrication Cabling start is set 4 months before start of coil winding Typical time for cabling is 2 weeks Braided Insulation at New England Wire 4 weeks Strand procurement time is presently at 13 months Partial delivery can start as early as 9 months
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh10 Strand Procurement and Cabling Plan
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh11
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh12 Cost and Yield In going from 54/61 to 108/127, the yield dropped by ~ 14% and the average piece-length decreased. Cost premium ~ 14%. Based on recent quote from OST, 144/169 wire cost is ~ 14% higher for the same performance specification. OST expects yield to be less than 108/127. Note that for the 132-filament strand the cost would be slightly lower (less Nb) and fractionally higher expected yield. 144 filament strand will have higher I c and lower Cu %. CERN procurement results can yield some insight in comparing 108/127 with 132/169. There is loss of J c as one goes from 54 to 108 to 132 filaments and a higher probability of lower RRR as the number of filaments increases for the same wire diameter. “Reduced-Sn” will mitigate this.
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh13 LARP Near Term Measurement Plan To fast-track the evaluation of the 169-strand, OST has offered one billet of 132/169 with “normal-Sn” delivered in early Jan’14 under the CDP contract. Plan to use this delivery to make lengths of QXF cable for evaluation and comparison with 108/127 strand cable Mechanical tests, metallographic test, electrical test using extracted strands windability, sub-element damage, cabling degradation HT optimization using 640 °C/48h, 650 °C/48h and 640 °C/96h. In Mar-Apr’14 we will use wire delivered under LARP contract which uses “reduced-Sn” to do a similar evaluation.
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh14 Summary Strand specification based on minimum I c, Cu fraction, RRR and piece-length and a specific strand design Plan shown implements 169-strand in SQXF02 magnet and all LQXF. Strand procurement has been planned to meet coil winding schedule. Cabling start precedes coil winding by ~ 4 months Specification and production QA plan to be formalized prior to placing contract in FY’15
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh15 End of Presentation
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh16 Risk Mitigation for strand For LARP QXF magnet Strand quantities outlined is just sufficient for the 17 coils of LQXF Loss of UL during cabling assumed to be zero. Typically this happens if there is a strand cross-over in the cable. This is low risk as cabling at LBNL has not experienced such an event. Plan to have an option in the 350 Kg lot order for extra 200 Kg of wire sufficient for 2 Unit Lengths of LQXF ?
Conductor Review Oct 16-17, 2013LARP Strand :Specs. Procurement, Measurement- A. Ghosh17 Nov 8-10, Arup Ghosh 17 Conductor Qualification -1 Billet Qualification –Rely on OST data –Meets minimum performance specification –OST data will be cross-checked with measurements of at least one sample per billet Cable Qualification –This is important and needs to be completed prior to coil winding. –Mechanical tests, metallographic test, insulation thickness –Electrical test: minimum 3 extracted strand and one round wire –Heat Treatment schedule (HT) as specified for coil reaction Coil HT Qualification –Witness sample tests of extracted strands –Tests done at one measurement laboratory –Minimum of four extracted strand and one round wire