WP : HIGH-BETA CAVITY DELIVERY A Wheelhouse ASTeC, STFC Daresbury Laboratory ESS SRF Elliptical Cavities Kick-Off Meeting CEA Saclay 15 th December 2015
Outline Delivery Schedule –Project plan –Risk Register –Progress Infrastructure –Cleanroom –Shielding –Cryogenic Plant –Cryogenic System –RF System Quality Assurance Summary
Outline Delivery Schedule –Project plan –Risk Register –Progress Infrastructure –Cleanroom –Shielding –Cryogenic Plant –Cryogenic System –RF System Quality Assurance Summary
Original Project Delivery
Revised Project Delivery
MilestoneDescriptionDate 1Infrastructure preparation start4/5/15 2Infrastructure preparation finish13/3/17 3Niobium procurement start29/8/16 4Niobium procurement finish16/7/18 5Cavity testing procedure training start4/1/16 6Cavity testing procedure training finish26/2/18 7Cavity procurement start18/8/17* 8Cavity procurement finish6/3/20 9Cavity testing start3/8/18 10Cavity testing finish25/11/20 11Cavity shipment start3/10/18 12Cavity shipment finish4/12/20 HBCM Assembly at CEA start5/4/19 HBCM Assembly at CEA finish11/11/21 Provisional Milestones
* Driven by H-ECCTD qualification at CEA MilestoneDescriptionDate 1Infrastructure preparation start3/8/15 2Infrastructure preparation finish18/8/17 3Niobium procurement start20/6/16 4Niobium procurement finish16/7/18 5Cavity testing procedure training start4/1/16 6Cavity testing procedure training finish26/2/18 7Cavity procurement start18/8/17* 8Cavity procurement finish6/3/20 9Cavity testing start3/8/18 10Cavity testing finish25/11/20 11Cavity shipment start3/10/18 12Cavity shipment finish4/12/20 HBCM Assembly at CEA start5/4/19 HBCM Assembly at CEA finish11/11/21
Risk Register RiskCurrent ControlsAdditional Controls Required HOM managementFull understanding of requirements to be gained from CEA Saclay Lessons to be learnt from testing of medium-β cavity by INFN Cavity fabrication process to be defined and specified Vendor qualification to be performed Procurement timescalesDedicated resource supplied by SBS Tight controlled management of suppliers −Monthly reports Assess the need to bring forward the procurement of the Nb and cavities Conflict of resources with other ASTeC and TD projects Dedicated team for the production and qualification of cavities Personnel to be prioritised for the project Regular monitoring and reporting of project progress to ensure any required remedial action with regards to resource can be actioned by ASTeC and TD management. Interviews to be held as early as possible Project funding timescales – Major procurements on hold until commitment provided by BIS Interim funding to be provided by STFC Procurement to be commenced as early as possible
Progress STFC ESS Project Board approval granted for the programme – July 2015 Programme of work formally started 3 rd August 2015 Confirmation from BIS that George Osborne has signed off the ESS business case (2 nd December 2015) –Release of the funds now needs BIS to write a letter to STFC Authority to proceed with major procurements has been agreed by STFC ESS Project Office Infrastructure designs and procurement being progressed Recruitment of ESS project staff progressing –Cryogenic engineer appointed – Starts 1 st Feb 2016 –Interviews held for other positions – Offers are being made Technical annex has been written and reviewed by ESS –New revision to be progressed –Able to sign TA from a technical point –To be signed by the STFC ESS project office once the IKC has been agreed
Outline Delivery Schedule –Project plan –Risk Register –Progress Infrastructure –Cleanroom –Shielding –Cryogenic Plant –Cryogenic System –RF System Quality Assurance Summary
SRF Hall Thin Film Lab Crab Lab Offices upstairs Cavity Goods-In & Out downstairs He Compressor House Cleanroom VTF Cryo-plant Full crane coverage 20m 55m
SRF Hall – Cleanroom Layout Thin Film Lab Crab Lab Offices upstairs Cavity Goods-In & Out downstairs He Compressor House Cleanroom VTF Cryo-plant BCP not included in ESS scope
Shielding Outlined radiation assessment has been performed More detailed assessment is to be undertaken To date the concrete thickness is defined – 1.8 m Shielding design is still being finalised Procurement through central services
Shielding Outlined radiation assessment has been performed More detailed assessment is to be undertaken To date the concrete thickness is defined – 1.8 m Shielding design is still being finalised Procurement through central services
Cryogenic Plant Cryogenics plant will consist of: –He Liquefier (100 l/h) –5000 l LHe Dewar –Helium Recovery System (10g/s) –Gas Storage Tender for Cryogenics Plant now live. 3 Companies expected to tender and have had pre tender visits. –Linde Kryotechnik –Air Liquide Advance Technologies –Vorbuchner Cryogenics & Applications Linde Kryotechnik Air Liquide Advance Technologies
Cryostat options have been assessed A horizontal test design is being progressed Cryostat is sufficiently large to accommodate the cavities horizontally or vertically Aim to test 3 cavities in the cryostat Plan to use the cavities own helium vessel to cool it: Sufficient condition to enable the cavity to be cooled to 2K Easily achieved by filling LHe in its own vessel (with a volume of ~ only 50 l) Horizontal Tests in a Cryostat Cryostat Proposed Design
Cryogenic Requirements: LHe requirement of ~1500 l Gas handling capacity < 2 g/S Ancillaries (2K Hex, 2K pump, distribution pipes, valves, safety devices, etc.) −Significantly simplified −Lower cost Design reviewed at TTC meeting −Feedback provided Procurement of components has commenced Horizontal Tests in a Cryostat Cryostat Proposed Design
Horizontal tests Performance is near final configuration Automatic leak checks on He vessel Higher confidence in performance Reduced test duration (quick cool- down/warm up) Lower operational hazards (due to lower gas flow/less quantity of LHe) 75% saving on LHe and gas storage Risks/Issues Additional assembly steps Additional leak checks during assembly Need to understand the cryo load during F/E or multipactor Need careful QA steps Horizontal Tests in a Cryostat Cryostat Proposed Design
19 1.Helium Top Fill Port Add extra CF/ISO flange as collar so that the weld-region is not disturbed 2.Helium bottom FillCF to Flexible pipe 3.Beam Pipe VacuumCoupler Port(ISO flange via all metal angle valve) 4.RF input couplerBeam pipe side flange-2 5.RF pick upBeam pipe side flange-2 5a (OR) Pick up point 5b 6.Mounts for T-sensors? Cu mounts to bolt 4 Cernox on each cavity 7.Film Heater50 W Items 3,4 and 5 factory mounted on the cavity Cavity transported in Vacuum or in N2 at what pressure? a 5b Modification 6 7 Cavity Interfaces For discussion after lunch:-
RF System Existing VTF test facility is installed in the Electron Hall (old SRS Outer Hall) Capable of performing high gradient validation tests on 1.3 GHz Tesla cavities Needs to be upgraded to enable testing at 704 MHz System has been defined −Robust and versatile system −Low risk as it is an already operational system Procurement of components being progressed RF amplifier is being sourced −Need to understand the RF power requirements for F/E or m/p conditions 250W or 500W? Courtesy of Tom Powers (Jlab) Low level block diagram
Outline Delivery Schedule –Project plan –Risk Register Infrastructure –Cleanroom –Shielding –Cryogenic Plant –Cryogenic System –RF System Quality Assurance Summary
Quality Assurance Industrial: Nb material Company – Provision documentation STFC – Monitoring of documentation - Approval, Inspection Industrial: Cavity fabrication Company – Provision documentation STFC – Monitoring of documentation (with factory visits) - Approval, Inspection STFC: Cavity Testing STFC − Provision of cavity documentation and test data ESS − Monitoring of documentation (with factory visits) - Approval, Inspection, Inspection CEA Saclay − Monitoring of documentation (with factory visits) - Approval, Inspection, Inspection
Quality Assurance Data management (For discussions after lunch) –Need a better understanding of what parameters need to be recorded What data has been collected so far on the prototype cavities tested to date? –Need to understand / agree on how the data is to be presented Need to define the architecture
Outline Delivery Schedule –Project plan –Risk Register Infrastructure –Cleanroom –Shielding –Cryogenic Plant –Cryogenic System –RF System Quality Assurance Summary
Next Steps Finalise all the designs for the infrastructure and complete all the procurements Continue on-going discussions with potential suppliers –Defining requirements – on-going Commence the tender process for the Nb material –The final material requirements and specification will need to be understood Finalise Technical Annex –Technical sign off –STFC ESS Project Office sign off
Summary Programme of work has commenced Infrastructure requirements are being defined and agreed Infrastructure procurement is being progressed Recruitment of ESS production team progressing well UK funding agreed - awaiting final BIS sign off Technical Annex progressing