1 Introductions Choose a photo from the table that appeals to you or represents you in some way. Write the answers to the following questions on a 3x5 notecard and be prepared to introduce yourself. 1.What is your name and State? 2.What other role(s) do you play at your SEA? 3.Describe in one or two sentences why the photo appeals to you or represents you.
2 New Coordinator’s Meeting Lauren Amos, Katie Deal, Stephanie Lampron, Liann Seiter, and Jake Sokolsky
3 Agenda What is Title I, Part D? What is NDTAC? Fundamental responsibilities of Part D coordinators –Planning and funding –Monitoring and compliance –Reporting and evaluation Areas for coordination and collaboration Strategies for getting started Tour of NDTAC’s Web sites Overview of the NDTAC conference
4 Agenda (continued) For each fundamental responsibility, we will: 1.Give a brief description. 2.Review coordinator responsibilities. 3.Highlight key NDTAC resources. 4.Show where more resources can be found on NDTAC’s Web sites. 5.Work through a common scenario. #- # Relevant section and page numbers from the “New Coordinator’s Handbook” will be listed here
5 What is Title I, Part D?
6 Goals of Part D Improve educational services for children and youth who are neglected or delinquent (N or D). Provide services so that youth who are N or D can successfully transition from institutionalization to further education or employment. Prevent youth from dropping out of school. I-2
7 Structure of Title I, Part D I-2
8 What is NDTAC?
9 About NDTAC Contract between U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the American Institutes for Research (AIR) NDTAC’s Mission –Develop a uniform evaluation model. –Provide technical assistance. –Serve as a facilitator between different organizations, agencies, and interest groups.
10 Who’s Who in Education of Youth Who Are N or D John McLaughlin, Federal Program Manager David Osher, Principal Investigator of NDTAC Simon Gonsoulin, Director of NDTAC Center Stephanie Lampron, Deputy Director of NDTAC State Liaisons –Lauren Amos (Salmon) –Katie Deal (Teal) –Liann Seiter (Gold)
11 NDTAC Assistance to State N & D Coordinators Direct technical assistance (TA) through your State liaison Peer-to-peer interactions via ND Communities –Community Calls –Topical Calls CSPR-focused TA provided by NDTAC’s data team Part D-focused products and resources Products and resources for the field Webinars for the field Web sites – –
12 Planning and Funding Fundamental Responsibilities of Part D Coordinators
13 Overview of Planning Planning involves the following: Implementing the overall Title I, Part D program in your State Providing guidance to your subgrantees in their planning to ensure alignment with State and Federal requirements
14 Part D Coordinator Responsibilities: Planning III-4-6
15 NDTAC’s Resources on Planning Provides overview of and resources/tools for the following: Conducting needs assessments Developing and reviewing applications Creating formal agreements between agencies delinquent.org/sites/default/files/docs/ programAdminPlanningToolkit.pdf III-8
16 Overview of Funding III-3 ED determines the amount of a State’s allocations based on the number of students submitted to ED in the Annual Child Count. SEAs allocate: S1 funds to SAs based on formula funding S2 funds to LEAs based on either formula funding or discretionary grants
17 Part D Coordinator Responsibilities: Funding Conduct the annual count and submit numbers to ED. Reserve funds for SEA administration, evaluation, and TA, if necessary. Determine SA eligibility. Review SA and LEA subgrantee applications Award allocations to eligible SA and LEA subgrantees. III-5-6
18 Describes tasks in Annual Count process Provides tools and resources to help State coordinators comply with Federal requirements delinquent.org/sites/default/files/docs/ AnnualCountToolkit_DeterminingFor mulaCounts.pdf NDTAC’s Resources on Funding III-8
19 NDTAC’s Resources on Funding Addresses: Purpose of the Annual Child Count Eligibility Relation to other ED reporting requirements Difference between the SA and LEA count and-its-implications
20 Scenario: Planning and Funding Break up into groups based on color of your card and discuss the following scenario: As you review applications for this year’s funding, you find a subgrantee’s application that appears to be a photocopy from their application 3 years ago (i.e., the dates are wrong).
21 Here are some of our suggestions: Contact subgrantee to learn why. Ask subgrantee to resubmit a current application. Conduct a TA call or visit to clarify Part D uses of funds and the application process. Review and revise the application for subgrantees in such a way that requires thoughtful updates from applicants. Contact your State Liaison to discuss ways other Part D coordinators have dealt with this. Scenario: Planning and Funding
22 Monitoring and Compliance Fundamental Responsibilities of Part D Coordinators
23 What Is Monitoring Review? III-8 Program monitoring involves regularly and systematically examining program implementation and administration. Purposes of monitoring of Part D-funded programs are to accomplish the following: –Emphasize accountability for using resources. –Ensure that all children have equal opportunity to obtain a high-quality education. –Assess program implementation of policies and procedures for compliance.
24 Federal and Subgrantee Monitoring 1 III-8
25 Federal and Subgrantee Monitoring 22 III-8
26 Federal and Subgrantee Monitoring 33 III-8
27 Part D Coordinator Responsibilities: Federal Monitoring Review the indicators and documentation that Federal monitors typically require to assess SEA program compliance. Communicate with ED. Review past monitoring reports for your State. Prepare your SAs and LEAs for Federal monitoring reviews. III-8-9
28 Part D Coordinator Responsibilities: Subgrantee Monitoring Create subgrantee monitoring protocols and guidelines. Establish consistent monitoring “cycles” or schedules. Require corrective actions for subgrantees not in compliance. Ensure that LEAs and SAs are monitoring every facility that receives Part D funding. III-9
29 NDTAC’s Resource on Federal Monitoring Prepare for a Federal monitoring review. Use practical tips to meet compliance requirements. delinquent.org/sites/default/files/docs/ monitoring_guide_ pdf
30 U.S. Department of Education Resource on Federal Monitoring Purpose, rationale, and process used by OSHS in monitoring Part D programs Periodic Federal updates delinquent.org/sites/default/files/docs/ Indicators%202015_FINAL_Dec% docx
31 NDTAC’s Resources on Subgrantee Monitoring Embeds a “youth- and staff-centered” framework in the subgrantee monitoring process Provides questions and approaches that can be integrated into the subgrantee monitoring delinquent.org/sites/default/files/Monitor _Tipsheet_2013_508%20FINAL.pdf
32 NDTAC’s Resources on Subgrantee Monitoring 2014–15 Topical Call Series on Subgrantee Monitoring Tools Call Recording:
33 Scenario: Monitoring and Compliance Break up into groups based on color of your card and discuss the following scenario: As you prepare for your first subgrantee monitoring visit, you can’t find the monitoring forms from the previous coordinator. You realize you need to create a new set of subgrantee monitoring forms.
34 Scenario: Monitoring and Compliance Here are some of our suggestions: Listen to the recordings from the topical call series on subgrantee monitoring tools. your community listserv, asking the group if it has any tools it would be willing to share with you. Ask your State Liaison to connect you with another Part D coordinator who has an exemplary tool, or ask if you can discuss your concern during the upcoming community call. Contact your State Liaison to discuss subgrantee monitoring tools.
35 Fundamental Responsibilities of Part D Coordinators Reporting and Evaluation
36 What Is the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR)? CSPR is a data-collection instrument administered annually by ED’s Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE). The required measures for Title I, Part D can be found in CSPR section 2.4. and include the following: –Demographic data of students –Data on transition services –Academic/Vocational achievement data –Reading and math performance data III-11
37 What is EDFacts? EDFacts is an ED initiative to collect, analyze, report on, and promote the use of high-quality performance data. Most of the Title I, Part D data are now reported through EDFacts. Eventually, all CSPR data will be reported through the EDFacts’ online Education Data Exchange Network (EDEN) Submission System (ESS). III-11
38 *Includes only credits earned while enrolled in facility for SY 2012–13; does not include adult corrections **Includes diplomas and GEDs earned while enrolled in facility and after exit for SY 2012–13 How ED will use the CSPR Data (GPRAMA) III-11
39 Part D Coordinator Responsibilities: Reporting and Evaluation III-12-14
40 Part D Coordinator Responsibilities: Reporting and Evaluation III-12-14
41 Part D Coordinator Responsibilities: Reporting and Evaluation III-12-14
42 NDTAC’s Resources on Reporting and Evaluation Latest updates for the CSPR data collection Review of data collection process Details about the CSPR and the EDFacts initiatives Comprehensive reporting instructions delinquent.org/sites/default/files/NDTAC _CSPR_guide_ pdf III-14
43 NDTAC’s Resources on Reporting and Evaluation III-14
44 Scenario: Reporting and Evaluation Break up into groups based on color of your card and discuss the following scenario: You are preparing for the CSPR data collection and realize that your State’s data-collection system is out of date and does not include some of the recent changes to the CSPR data collection.
45 Scenario: Reporting and Evaluation Here are some of our suggestions: Consult the CSPR Guide and Collection List to verify what indicators need to be collected. Hold a TA meeting (either in-person or remotely) with your subgrantees to go over the data indicators. –Ask your TA liaison for slides from the most recent CSPR Webinar for your use. Contact your NDTAC TA Liaison to set up a meeting to discuss the data-collection system in your State with NDTAC’s data team.
46 Areas for Coordination and Collaboration
47 Areas for Coordination and Collaboration Section IV of the “New Coordinator’s Handbook” covers these important topics: Transition Interagency Collaboration Safe and Supportive Learning Environments Students With Disabilities Family Involvement NDTAC’s Web site has more information and resources to assist you with each of these areas. IV
48 Strategies for Getting Started
49 Strategies for Getting Started Learn the law. Communicate with your NDTAC State Liaison. Network and participate. Train and support your subgrantees. The “New Coordinator’s Handbook” has more information about each of these strategies. II-2-3
50 Varied Time Allocation Among Coordinators III-2 Coordinators with… How NDTAC can help you maximize your time 10% FTE or less Point out key tools, toolkits, and briefs that can assist you or your subgrantees on important topics. Provide the PowerPoint slides of presentations on Annual Count, CSPR, and other materials for your use. 11%–50% FTEConnect you with other Part D coordinators to facilitate sharing of resources and problem-solving. Assist you as you implement IWPs, discretionary grants, risk assessments, and other items. More than 50% FTE Connect you with expert panel members who can assist you beyond the basics.
51 State Part D Coordinator Year at a Glance III-15
52 State Part D Coordinator Year at a Glance III-15
53 Resources Needed To Get Started Top five resources to have copies on hand: 1.New Coordinator’s HandbookNew Coordinator’s Handbook 2.Title I, Part D, Program Administration Planning ToolkitTitle I, Part D, Program Administration Planning Toolkit 3.The Annual Count Toolkit: Determining Formula Counts for Title I, Part D, Funding AllocationsThe Annual Count Toolkit: Determining Formula Counts for Title I, Part D, Funding Allocations 4.Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS) Monitoring Plan for Homeless and Neglected or Delinquent Education ProgramsOffice of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS) Monitoring Plan for Homeless and Neglected or Delinquent Education Programs 5.Instructional Guide to Reporting Title I, Part D, Data in the CSPR for Current School YearInstructional Guide to Reporting Title I, Part D, Data in the CSPR for Current School Year
54 Resources Needed To Get Started Top three Web pages to bookmark in your Web browser: 1.Part D Statute: delinquent.org/title-i-part-d-statutehttp:// delinquent.org/title-i-part-d-statute 2.Nonregulatory Guidance: delinquent.org/title-i-part-d-nonregulatory- guidance-introductionhttp:// delinquent.org/title-i-part-d-nonregulatory- guidance-introduction 3.ND Communities:
55 Tour of NDTAC Web Sites Neglected-Delinquent.org NDcommunties.org
56 Overview of NDTAC Conference