A.I. Sanda Nagoya University Nagoya Japan FPCP2004 Daegu, KOREA.


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Presentation transcript:

A.I. Sanda Nagoya University Nagoya Japan FPCP2004 Daegu, KOREA

A partial list of things that interested me

Very impressive It will get even better! ψK S asymmetry KM mechanism is correct description of CP violation at low energies!

Dramatic sign flip in sin2Φ 1 with new VD at Belle. While ΨK S value for sin2Φ 1 is stable with both VD, Monte-Carlo studies supports that there nothing wrong, it is hard for me to understand. ( I look forward to Hazumi’s talk. I hope we can be convinced.) A partial list of things that interested me p.1 Φ K S asymmetry Belle

Milky Way A partial list of things that interested me p.2 Why are these different? Very useful for NP searches As for CPV, my gut feeling is that it must be there! Same sign dilepton CP asymmetry Belle+Babar B → Kπ CP asymmetries obviously Belle data must come within the circle ππ CP asymmetries pQCD predicted it With correct sign! Keum, Li, AIS Babar New!

A partial list of things that interested me p.3 Lyra Altair July 7

A partial list of things that interested me p.4 Good news for isospin analysis CP violation should be here too! Looks promising! Ways to unfold 4 fold ambiguities. Observation of B → π 0 π 0 Observation of B → DK Φ3Φ3

A partial list of things that interested me p.5 B → VV polarization measurments Must for the new physics searches B → π 0 K S CP asymmetry

A partial list of things that interested me p.6 Indication of things to expect in the future!

A partial list of things that interested me p. 8 Belle

A partial list of things that interested me p. 9 Not just limits. A quest for the discovery!

Foreword: kaons again? In spite of a long history the K system is still a laboratory for the flavour physics, an interferometry system, a repository of all kinds of CP violation and can be a sensitive probe for NP.. Then: YES, kaons again! Vincenzo Patera* LNF/INFN A partial list of things that interested me p.10 He does not need to apologize It is a good sign for FP that K physics continues after 57 years!

K L   I (2004) Expected sensitivity by Run I: 4÷9x Results from Run I in fall 2004 Requesting Run II in 2005 A dream for a theorist, a nightmare for an experimentalist. All neutral, 2/3 invisible final state: “Nothing to nothing” A partial list of things that interested me p.11

SLAC notation In honor of Bjorken

Fermilab workshop 1988

Correct a mistake in the CKM fitter figure This solution is not allowed by ΨK S asymmetry! AIS WIN2002, I.I. Bigi and AIS, to appear

Notation Mass eigenstates Mass eigenvalues Mass difference Coefficients

This way -π/2< φ 1 < π/2 ± cancel but we need to know the sign

2. Define △ M>0 1. Method which cancels △ M dependence 3. Try to cancel q/p dependence Discussions on the market Sign of ΔM cancel but you need to know the sign ΔM>0, but you need to know the sign Sign of q/p cancel but you need to know the sign

These are allowed region for ψKS asym>0

Excluded Babar

Lets assume that ΔM contains NP. ε and ΔM constraints are removed as they may contain effects of new physics Constraint from ψK S asymmetry assume sin2φis given by exp. KM parameters are not directly related to ψK S asymmetry

experimentally known

If Φ 1 <0, R NP gets bigger

Belle hep-ex/

NP will get in the way of cancellation

1)ΨK S asymmetry sinφ 2) Φ 3 determination Four fold ambiguity in Determining φ 3

Large φ 3 solution Is almost excluded 4 fold degeneracy

Leave it to Yoshikawa to talk about The importance of EW penguins And other general analysis

CP violation in the decay amplitude Belle+Babar See Yoshikawa’s talk for details A naïve analysis Neglect all r 2 terms and annihilation just to illustrate a point Cancellation?

pi pi data => C/T = 0.70 e^{i 63^o} Substituting the above C/T into the K pi data, we obtain T/P = 0.16 e^{-25^o i}, P^{ew}/P = 0.26 e^{-70 ^o i} So, it is possible to accommodate all data by increasing only C. See Yoshikawa’s talk for details Charng and Li

ΦK S asymmetry Standard model predicts equal CP violation for these decay modes

I believe that some new physics effect might be there. But not at the level of 50%. It is probably at 1% level. So, precision experiments are needed!

Naïve factorization We expect |A 00 |>> |A -- |>> |A ++ | New physics must show up in B →ΦK * asymmetry f L should dominate |f 00 |>>|f -- |>> |f ++ | Φ bs s s A. Kagan 3 possibilities B ΦK* 00 No spin flip Spin filp of s quark Spin flip of both s quarks CP + + -

This is a naïve argument! Non factorizable diagrams ect.

If there is NP it should appear here

I am not surprised if so called new physics effects went away! Continued search is absolutely necessary. Don’t say 10 35, it is not enough! SUPERB with is strongly encouraged! Many interesting physics to do for many years to come! Lets have fun!