Chapter 8 – Combined Loading CL = 2 or more stresses at a given point. Figure: 08-00CO
8.1 Thin-Walled (r/t > 10) Pressure Vessels: Circumferential or Hoop Stress: s1 uniform throughout wall! Figure: 08-01a Assumption: Thin walled so assume stress uniform throughout the wall! Normal stress in the hoop direction
Longitudinal Stress: Note, this stress = hoop stress/2 Figure: 08-01a Assumption: Thin walled so assume stress uniform throughout the wall! Normal stress in the longitudinal direction Note, this stress = hoop stress/2
Summary: Cylindrical Pressure Vessels: Circumferential or Hoop Stress Longitudinal Stress Figure: 08-01c
What about Spherical Pressure Vessels? Figure: 08-01b
Examples: Figure: 08-02-01UNEx8.1
Examples: Figure: 08-02-04P8.5
Elastomer volume = 13.8 in3 (was 16.2 in3) Wall thickness = .10” RJM 6/2/04