How Students Learn College Teaching Institute Presenter: Monica McCrory The Graduate School
Opening Question Take a moment to reflect on your most memorable learning experiences… Come up with a positive and a negative example.
Example 1 - Explanation Connects prior knowledge to new learning Begin class with opening question: –It’s quick and easy –Can be used in large/small classes –Gives students a moment to think before responding –Focuses student attention –Helps students to make connections –Allows you to assess knowledge
Introductory Think, Pair, Share Think of what you know about active learning strategies. Turn to your partner and share your ideas. Do you have any ideas to share with the class?
Example 2 - Explanation Instructor poses a question Students think (or write) Students share with a partner or small group Instructor calls on a couple of pairs to share for benefit of all Helps students organize ideas Takes 2-3 minutes – Great for lecture classes!
Focused Listing Take out a sheet of paper and list as many characteristics of effective lecturing as you can think of.
Example 3 - Explanation Helps students recall what they know about a subject Can relate to: –assigned readings, previous lessons, or subject of the current session Instructors may walk around and look at students’ notes while briefly reviewing lesson to close activity.
Brainstorming What do you know about the ways students learn? Start with your clearest thoughts then move on to other ideas that are “out there”!
Example 4 - Explanation Helps activate student recall Gets students to extend thinking Stretches knowledge by making connections between previous learning and new possibilities Use at beginning to prepare for learning Use at end to summarize and connect to outside world
Example 5 - Explanation Plan for questions –Creates a pause for students to catch their breath and reflect on learning –Reminds you to interact Create breaks every 15 minutes –Helps students to stay focused –Increases retention
Example 6 - Explanation If you use Power Point, insert a blank slide Gains students’ full attention Good way to make a transition to a future lesson
8 Principles of Learning
#1 Information has to be processed and practiced to be learned. Students learn and retain by doing. Divide learning into mini-lessons. Make it close to real-life. Put activity and practice before concept and theory. Help students recognize new information in various guises and circumstances.
#2 Learning is an active, community endeavor. Learning is social; do it with others. Use cooperation and collaboration. Frequent interaction increases motivation, involvement, and retention. Use class time for practice.
#3 Each person’s learning process is different. Learners’ backgrounds, experiences, and learning styles differ. Capitalize on multiple intelligences by using getting students to work together. Give students control over learning goals and strategies when possible. Use varied approaches.
#4 Emotions play a vital role in the learning process. Emotions may block logical interpretation. Create a safe and welcoming learning environment. Praise students’ efforts. Provide for emotional expression through journals, discussions, and reflection.
#5 The desire to make order and meaning is innate. Students have desire to make meaning out of chaos. Engage curiosity; make learning like a puzzle to solve rather than facts to be memorized. Prior beliefs can hinder future learning. Find out what learners believe or know.
#6 Excessive control hinders learning. When correct answers or actions are tightly controlled, curiosity is stifled. Help students reduce stress and increase control by providing choice, teaching test-taking strategies, setting reasonable timelines.
#7 Learning is influenced by expectations. Build confidence; provide opportunities for success. Communicate your confidence and expectations early and often. Learners’ beliefs influence their behavior, attitudes, and affect. Increase challenge while providing support.
#8 Feedback facilitates learning. Know what is NOT understood. Feedback: –Guides learning –Reduces uncertainty, increases certainty –Increases performance modification –Enhances motivation and coping skills Encourage study groups and peer feedback.
Think, Pair, Share Think how you might use these principles in your classroom. Turn to a partner and discuss. Share your findings with the whole class.
Example 7 – Explanation TPS is an active learning strategy that can be used for transitions Allows student to think about and work with material just presented before moving on to new material Allows instructor to check comprehension and adjust the remaining information accordingly
Note Checking Take a few minutes to compare your notes with a partner. Summarize the most important information. Identify (and clarify) any sticking points.
Example 8 - Explanation Focuses on summarizing key information and finding misconceptions Students can also generate a question or solve a problem the instructor poses Helps students fill gaps through collective understanding Encourages good note-taking.
Question and Answer Pairs Take a minute to come up with one question. Then, see if you can stump your partner.
Example 9 - Explanation Helps students form challenging questions (can come from reading) A poses a question to B, then the roles are reversed The instructor may ask for a sampling of questions either verbally, or by collecting questions Highlight good questions in next lecture
2-Minute Paper Summarize the most important points from today’s lecture.
Example 10 - Explanation Forces students to put the learning in their own words Helps them to internalize information and to identify any gaps
If you could ask one last question…. what would it be?
Example 11 - Explanation Encourage students to think deeply about the material before leaving Choose random students and answer questions in remaining time Collect questions and begin next class answering This is a great way of assessing student learning!
One Final Question Which of the strategies we’ve covered would you like to try in your own classes?
Have a great semester!