Mentoring Steve Case Institute of Youth Ministry May, 2015
What is mentoring?
What qualifies a person to be a mentor?
How does mentoring take place?
How do you know if mentoring works?
Steve’s 10 Commandments for Mentoring
1. Clear expectations
2. A plan with purpose, direction, and also flexibility
3. Time together
4. Verbalization of key elements and perspectives
5. Observation in more than one setting
6. Exposure to the inner states of Mentor & Mentee
7. Consistency between the words and actions of the Mentor
8. Teachability and follow through on the part of the Mentee
9. Recognition that the Mentor & Mentee have similarities but aren’t identical
10. Mutuality: Both have something to offer & something to gain
Mentoring young people spiritually
Where are YOUNG PEOPLE Spiritually?
What does “Spiritual” mean?
SPIRIT Hebrew: ruah Greek: pneuma
SPIRIT English: spirit, breath, wind
John 3
When were you “born again”?
In Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. Galatians 3:26 (NIV)
Unless one is born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. John 3:5 (NASB)
Unless one is born of water and of the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. John 3:5 (NASB)
That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 3:6 (NASB)
Born of water and the Spirit John 3:5 (NASB)
Born of water and the Spirit John 3:5 (NASB) Born of the flesh is flesh Born of the Spirit is spirit John 3:6 (NASB)
How Paul wrote it
Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires;
but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.
The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:5-6 (NIV)
When does the “new birth” take place for a child who grows up in a Christian home?
SDA young people in the U.S. 12% “Damascus Road” experience
SDA young people in the U.S. 12% “Damascus Road” experience
SDA young people in the U.S. 12% “Damascus Road” experience 24% Maintain early commitment 35% Commitment over time
SDA young people in the U.S. 12% “Damascus Road” experience 24% Maintain early commitment 35% Commitment over time
SDA young people in the U.S. 12% “Damascus Road” experience 24% Maintain early commitment 35% Commitment over time
SDA young people in the U.S. 12% “Damascus Road” experience 24% Maintain early commitment 35% Commitment over time
What symbols (or sacraments) do SDAs have?
When do young people who grow up as SDAs in the U.S. get baptized?
11 Most common age 2nd most common age 3rd most common age 4th most common age
When do young people who grow up as SDAs in the U.S. get baptized? 11 Most common age 2nd most common age 3rd most common age 4th most common age
When do young people who grow up as SDAs in the U.S. get baptized? 11 Most common age 10 2nd most common age 3rd most common age 4th most common age
When do young people who grow up as SDAs in the U.S. get baptized? 11 Most common age 10 2nd most common age 12 3rd most common age 4th most common age
When do young people who grow up as SDAs in the U.S. get baptized? 11 Most common age 10 2nd most common age 12 3rd most common age 9 4th most common age
Was that the only symbol of re-birth that this (young) person will ever have?
What symbols can we use for youth and young adults?
Wagon Wheel
13 Questions for you
On a scale of 1-10, where are you with God right now?
What puts you in contact with God?
Who’s in control when that happens?
When was the last time you were renewed?
How devoted are you to spending time with God?
What do you expect for the spiritual growth of young people?
HANDOUT for youth faith
What do you expect for the spiritual growth of adults?
HANDOUT for adult faith
What do you do in order to promote spiritual growth at your church?
How is this related to the size of your church?
How is this related to your reputation?
What change(s) do you need to make?
When will you make those changes?
How will you make those changes?