The 10 Commandments RANDY BINKLEY. #1 Honor God as God.


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Presentation transcript:

The 10 Commandments RANDY BINKLEY

#1 Honor God as God

#2 Refuse to Reduce God

#3 Revere the Name of God

#4 Honor the Sabbath

#5 Honor your Parents

Honor your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you. EXODUS 20:12

Phase 1 The Childhood Years Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. EPHESIANS 6:1

Phase 2 The Adolescent Years Respect & Cooperate

Phase 3 The Adult Years Treasure

Phase 3 The Adult Years Treasure Forgive

Phase 3 The Adult Years Treasure Forgive Thank

#5 Honor my Parents? ????

#5 Honor your Parents 1. Obey 2. Respect & Cooperate 3. Treasure, Forgive, Thank