Grade 8 Welcome to
Course Description Course Description may be viewed on School Wires Curriculum may be viewed on the District Website Our curriculum revolves around 4 core goals: 1. Enhancing basic reading and writing skills 2. Developing strategies for independent learning 3. Encouraging abstract thought 4. Fostering interests
Establishing Literacy Habits Realistic Fiction Memoirs Historical Fiction Non-Fiction NJ ASK Preparation Vocabulary
School Wires
Points System Point values will vary for each assignment and will range from 5 to 100 points Grades are calculated by adding all the points that the student has earned and divide the total by the number of points they could have earned. Grades can be accessed at any time through Genesis. If you are having difficulty accessing it, contact the technology department.
Extra Credit Students are expected to complete assignments at the time they are due. No additional assignments will be given for extra credit. Extra Credit will be given as part of a project or assignment.
Extra help will be from 2:40pm to 3:30pm on Mondays in the library, and Tuesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays in room 220. Arrangements must be made at least 1 day in advance, and at least 3 days in advance for tests and projects to ensure availability.
Parent Involvement: How You Can Help Encourage Your Child to Read Have books in your home Talk about reading every day Talk about the book you are currently reading Talk about your own experiences with reading (how you learned to read, which books you loved as a teenager, how you use reading in your everyday life) Sign your family up at the public library Ask your child what he or she is currently reading (at school and independently) and about the book Establish the expectation that your child should be reading for his/her own for enjoyment For very reluctant readers: consider a subscription to a high-interest magazine, or suggest a particular section of the newspaper.
Please contact me with any questions or concerns through one of the following modalities. * is best and quickest form of contact Phone: ext.2220