Personal Health Team 2014
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2013 Cigna We are here for You BorgWarner Wants customers and products to: Feel good about driving Reduce emissions Better fuel economy Great performance BorgWarner’s Cigna Personal Health Team Wants customers and products to: Feel good about your health Reduce health risks Better use of energy Great mind and body performance
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2013 Cigna Vicki, BSN, RN Clinical Supervisor I am the supervisor for your BorgWarner Personal Health Team here at Cigna. It's my job to hire people with professional backgrounds to match the areas you may want help with. My background is in nursing so I understand how hard it is to make changes in your life; you can know what you are supposed to do but how to get it done is a different story. We have up-to- date information on many health issues and tools that may increase your own understanding as well. I work with a great group of Health Advocates who are here to help you! I hope you take advantage of their knowledge and, best of all, their strong ability to help you find YOUR way to better health & well being. It is confidential, Calls with your coach are minutes, are a time that works for you and are as often as fits for you.
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2013 Cigna Carol, MA, RN Clinical Supervisor Hi, I am Carol, an RN with quite a few years of experience. Over the years, I have learned that people are just so delightful. I love to listen to their stories and help them work toward health improvement goals. I would love to hear your story. With my years as a nurse in medical and mental health, I can work with you to reach these health goals. On our team we have other coaches with many specialties who can support what ever changes you would want to make. We work together to provide the best information and coaching possible to you. So, you are invited to come join me in an adventure of health exploration and discovery, where you are the one who guides the plan and reaps the rewards.
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2013 Cigna Helena, MA, ERYT Health Educator Health coaching is an extremely rewarding job. We have support-resources and stress management tools to help you through those times in life when you’re challenged. Then we also have a coaching program to get you motivated to make positive changes in your health when you’re ready. I appreciate being able to help a customer through the good times and the hard times, because we all have some of both! Another special thing about our coaching program is the integration of experts. I’m an expert in stress management, diet, and exercise, with a Master’s degree in Health Care Management and a number of certifications in wellness and alternative medicine. I work with nurses who are experts in managing chronic health conditions, and with emotional health experts as well. When you put all of our expertise and years of experience together, our team is a powerful ally for your health!
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2013 Cigna Tiffany, MS, CPT Health Educator I really have always had a passion for helping people make changes that fit their lives and improved their health. That’s why I chose to become a Health Educator Advocate. With my background as a certified personal trainer with a degree in Exercise Science and Community Health I can help you find ways – geared specifically to you - to eat healthier, quit smoking, increase exercise and reduce stress. There are many resources and I can help you find the ones that are best for you. Our team has many experts to assist you as needed. This all works through helping you set up personal steps or goals to success in a way that works for you! I’m here to help you make those changes, to assist you in reaching your overall goal whether it’s getting down on the floor to play with your grandkids or running your next 5k. I can’t wait to meet and help new people every day!
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2013 Cigna Dustin, M.Ed, LPC Behavioral Advisor Hello, my name is Dustin and I want to introduce myself. I have worked for Cigna for four years, have a wife and son, am a former Air Force officer, and am a card-carrying Texan authorized to say “fixin’ to”, “y’all” and “partner.” Speaking of partner, I love partnering with customers – working together – to help each individual accomplish their health and wellness goals. I like to meet people where they are and help to get them where they want to go, and I have lots of resources to offer - over-the-phone coaching, referral to face-to-face counseling, educational resources, websites and more. Also, your team is stocked with great players – individuals with backgrounds in nursing, counseling, psychiatry, pharmacy and health - to name a few. Although I have 12 years’ experience in counseling and have helped hundreds of people with challenges around trauma, depression, stress, weight and tobacco, there is only one YOU! YOU are unique, the expert on YOU, and my priority is to listen to YOU so we can partner together and accomplish the goals that are important to YOU.
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2013 Cigna Jessica, BA Personal Advocate I am one of the Health Advocates you first talk to when you call your BorgWarner Personal Health Team at Cigna. I will help you find the information you need whether it’s finding a doctor or getting to the additional services you have as part of your health plan. I will also help you find a Health Advocate coach and set up a time to talk. My goal is to find a coach who would be a good fit for helping you improve your health and answer your concerns. Whatever your concerns are I can help find the right answers, with my background in healthcare I know how important is to get to the right help at the right time.
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2013 Cigna Melissa, BS Personal Advocate As Personal Advocate I will be one of the first people you will talk to when you call your Personal Health Team at Cigna. I will help you find the information you are looking for. You may need to find a Doctor in your area, want information on your benefits or want help with some issue that your Employee Assistance Program has a resource for. I can also find a time that will work so you can talk to the Health Advocate. With my background in the social services field I can find the right health educator, nurse or stress specialist and make sure you talk to the right health advocate for your needs.
Confidential, unpublished property of Cigna. Do not duplicate or distribute. Use and distribution limited solely to authorized personnel. © 2013 Cigna Come Join us… On your own personal race to better health! Whether you are just starting your engine… have started the race and need a roadmap need to find a more efficient way to take the wheel have a number of repairs to do or just want to fine tune the engine… WE CAN HELP YOU GET TO THE FINISH LINE!!!