Bellwork You need your composition book and something to write with. Open your comp book to a clean page (you’ll want a few clean pages in a row). Write the following as your heading: What I Know about….. As we read and discuss the following questions, write what you know about each one. If you don’t know anything about the statement/question, write a question mark.
Name of Career and its Appeal What career (or profession) do you want to pursue when you “grow-up”? Why does this career appeal to you? (Write 3-5 reasons)
History Do you know anything about the history of this career? (Maybe how it began or its important people?)
People in this Career Approximately how many people are now employed in this career field? Briefly discuss current employment trends relating to this career. Where are jobs related to this career most often found? Why?
Duties of this Career List several General Duties List several Specific Duties How many hours of work are ordinarily required? Is there anything unusual about the number of hours or nature of the work schedule which might relate to this job field? (Seasonal fluctuations, days, nights, split shifts etc..)
Qualifications of Workers in this Field. Sex: Age: Health and physical: Personality: Experience:
Qualifications of Workers in this Field. Aptitude (the natural ability to do something) Education (general level and type required) What are the most common methods of entry into this career? ~ Which one would you choose? Why
Education Planning How have you begun preparing for this career? Have you taken any high school classes? Community college courses? Have you received any on-the-job training? Which trade schools, colleges, or universities have courses for this career?
Education Planning If you decide to attend a post-secondary school (trade school, college, or university), what entrance requirements might you expect? What is the length of training? Cost of training? Briefly describe any armed forces training opportunities that relate to his career. Are there scholarships, loans or grants that you could apply for to help with the cost of this training?
Earnings How much can you expect to make from this career? Beginning salary? Average Salary? Exceptional Salary? What expenses (travel, uniforms, further education, insurance, etc…) might you have to meet in following this career?
Nature of the Job List some benefits, other than salary, that you would expect to gain from this career. What hazards can you anticipate in this job field?
Career Advancement What are the chances for advancement in this field? Would advancement require additional training? Would advancement require additional duties? Explain. Is there a need for continuing education to hold this position? Explain
Reflection So, what do you really know about what you want to be when you grow up? Writing Task After considering what you know and don’t know about your potential career choice, reflect (in writing) on the information that you deem most important to know.
What’s Coming As one of the last major papers you will write as a senior in high school, you will explore career choice. All the normal rigmarole of a paper is required: research, outlines, rough drafts, process grades, deadlines, finals draft, typed, double spaced, etc…