presenta – #wpc15it1 Monitoring Private, Public and Hybrid Clouds with SCOM and OMS Andrea Pogna Microsoft Premier Field Engineering MCSE Security – CISSP Certified
Agenda Understand mandatory and optional component of Operations ManagerUnderstand mandatory and optional component of Operations Manager Understand Operations Management Suite componentsUnderstand Operations Management Suite components –
– #wpc15it3 Installation of Operations Manager creates a Management Group that is composed by: Core component Required to correctly monitor and operate SCOMCore component Required to correctly monitor and operate SCOM Additional components Implements additional functionalitiesAdditional components Implements additional functionalities OPERATION MANAGERS ARCHITECTURE
– OPERATION MANAGERS COMPONENTS Execute Workloads Store Operation data collected by agents and configuration Store hystorical data Store / execute reports Additional components are: Gateway server Agents Web Console ACS Forwarders ACS Collector ACS database
– OPERATION MANAGERS ARCHITECTURE FORE ST II FORES T I Untrusted area All communication are encrypted using session key All SCOM communications are secure by default even when Kerberos is missing
– OPERATIONS MANAGER DEPLOYMENT Customer can scale out SCOM architecture to met almost every environment requirements Single-server management group Distributed management group
– OPERATIONS MANAGER DEPLOYMENT Operations Manager is supported on Azure IaaS Require a Domain Controller on Azure Can monitor either way servers and services in both environment Still leverage SaaS services like GSM and OMS
– GLOBAL SERVICE MONITOR Reports the health of a web service from up to fifty different location in the word
– MODERN MANAGEMENT Enterprise Desktop Server Proliferation Workload visualization Private and hybrid Modern Managemen t System Center for the datacenter Microsoft Management Services + Heterogeneous Open Platform Cloud-Inspired Time to value Improved productivity Solution oriented As a Service
– OPERATION MANAGEMENT SUITE What is OMS OMS is new microsoft cloud management solution to manage your hybrid infrastructure. OMS implements management as a service, extending System Center into the cloud WhySimple Single view,IT efficiency, Cloud Value Time to value Single console, fast onboarding, cloud cadence Easy to integrate Simple integration, Work with Linux, Any Cloud Hydrid and Open Protect your application, Replace legacy tape, Achieve a hybrid cloud Protect and Extend Extend your management, Build on what you own, Access powerfull tools
– OMS SOLUTION TODAY Log analytics Effortless log collectionEffortless log collection Integrated fast search and queries with custom dashboardIntegrated fast search and queries with custom dashboard Backup & Recovery Integrated cloud backupIntegrated cloud backup Seamless disaster recovery and workload migrationSeamless disaster recovery and workload migration IT Automation Hybrid runbook workerHybrid runbook worker Graphical workbook authoring and automationGraphical workbook authoring and automation Security & Compliance Malware assessmentMalware assessment Security posture and system update assessmentSecurity posture and system update assessment With OMS capabilities customer can… Spot Problems fast Protect data easily Automate task quick Regognize threat early
– Log Analytics Enables enterprises to transform machine data into near real-time operational intelligence Microsoft Operations Management Suite Servers forwarding data through SCOM Windows & Linux Server Servers directly forwarding data Azure VMs Microsoft Operations Management Suite
– DELIVER IT INSIGHT Log Analytics is the analysis service and core functionality in OMS. Log Analytics provides proactive operational data analysis through the delivery of solutions. Search and investigate Custom dashboard Plan for capacitySystem Update Security and audit Change Tracking Collect security logs Wire data Log Analytics can help you in that areas:
– DELIVER IT INSIGHT Customer will gain the possibility to rapidly answer to the following questions (examples): Something changed in the monitored systems (change tracking) Active Directory Healt (114 checks)
– Custom Dashboard
– CHAMPION SECURITY Collect security related events and perform forensic and audit analysis Comprehensive updates assessment across datacenters and public clouds Detection of breaches and threats with malware assessment
– IMPROVE OPERATIONAL EFFICIENCY With automation Works across clouds, on- premises systems and PowerShell DSC nodes Graphical workflow- authoring tool Integrated workflow and runbook management Ready to use runbooks from a centralized library OMS search API
– BACKUP AND RECOVERY Backup and Disaster Recovery helps you protect and extend your datacenter. Backup and disaster recovery solutions are powered by Azure Site Recovery and Azure Backup Azure Site Recovery in the OMS portal Azure Backup in the OMS portal
– OMS ENVIRONMENT IS MADE UP OF 1. Microsoft Azure- hosted workspaces which are containers for OMS accounts 2. the OMS web service, which is hosted in the cloud 3. separate agents that connect directly to the web service 4. attached service to System Center Operations Manager, but is not required … OR / AND …
– OMS DATA SECURITY COMPONENT System Center Operation Manager 2012 R2 Connect Scom to Operation Management Suite on encrypted channel V Data analysi and data mining using pre defined solution in Operation Management suite. Data will be send and stored in the cloud data ownership -Customer will mantain data ownership security certifications -Microsoft got a lot of security certifications for its azure solution, below some examples: ISO 27001, HIPAA, FedRAMP, SOC 1, SOC 2, ISO/IEC (firts in the world) V
– OMS HOW TO CONNECT DATA Customer can integrate Scom with OMS or use standalone OMS agent downloaded from OMS portal AZURE Operation Management Suite Agent Download Direct Data Flow Data Flow for selected agent Agents send data to scom
– OMS HOW TO CONNECT DATA Customer can connect system center suite to OMS, it can then select which agents will be involved in OMS integration OMSSCOM Data exchange will occur on cipher channel
– MICROSOFT MONITORING AGENT MMA is the monitoring component required to fully monitor a Windows Computer Share the same codebase and it’s almost the same on SCOM and OMS Execute workload on the monitored Windows computer Can report directly to Operations Manager, to OMS or Both.
– PURCHASING THE OPERATION MANAGEMENT SUITE Operational Insight Automation Backup Site Recovery (E2E) 100 GB min 2 VMs 500 GB min 10 VMs StandardEnterprise OMS Add-on for System Center Purchased as an annual commitment available to system center customers Operational Insight Automation Backup Site Recovery (azure) Price (start from) 1,9396 € - GB 0,0017 € min 4,2165 € - VM 45,54 € - VMs Site Recovery (customer) 13,50 € - VMs Standalone Can be purchased throught direct, pay-as- you-go or by burning Azure Monetary commitment
– SYSTEM CENTER + OMS better togheter Web based alert management Efficient server discovery and agent deployment Centralized log repository VM capacity planning and management Integrated recovery for VM workloads Cloud backup and long term retention
– COMING SOON … Power BI connector OMS Mobile app Windows Mobile IoS Android
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