April, 2008 ABPS Infrastructure Advisory ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited _________________________________________ INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY IMPLEMENTING.


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Presentation transcript:

April, 2008 ABPS Infrastructure Advisory ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited _________________________________________ INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY IMPLEMENTING AGREEMENT ON TECHNOLOGIES AND PROGRAMMES FOR DEMAND SIDE MANAGEMENT ________________________________________ Branding of Energy Efficiency Task Definition Meeting Request to ExCO to discuss issues, give guidance for the process and to decide to initiate new Task

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Task Status Report The Concept Paper on ‘Branding of Energy Efficiency’ was presented during Executive Committee (ExCo) held in Brugge in October The ExCo members were asked to express their interest in sending an Expert to Task Definition Meeting. Following countries agreed: – –Australia – –Austria – –Belgium – –Finland – –France – –India – –Korea – –Spain – –United Kingdom – –United States

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Task Status Report Further, the ExCo decided that Balawant Joshi should take the proposal to a Task Definition stage and present a work plan at the next Executive Committee meeting. Task Definition Meeting was held on 1 st April Following countries attended TDM. – –Finland – –France – –India – –Sweden – –United Kingdom

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Task Status Report Finland has appointed Expert for the task. US has identified Expert. Funding is being identified. Definitions of the proposed sub-tasks were discussed. Modified Work Plan based on the feedback during Task Definition Meeting is being presented to ExCo. ExCo is requested to ExCO to discuss issues, give guidance for the process and decide to initiate new Task (probably XX).

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Objective behind the Proposed Task The task has been proposed with belief that it should be possible to reverse the fortunes of the energy efficiency products and services with the help of branding. Branding of energy efficiency products and services would increase their visibility and credibility. However, to be successful at branding, it would be necessary to work on three levels, viz. products/services and suppliers, consumers and finally, at the strategic or policy level.

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Objective behind the Proposed Task The Task is expected to develop significant understanding of barriers associated with branding of energy efficiency, and strategies to overcome those barriers. The Primary Objective of this Task would be to ‘Develop cogent and comprehensive framework for promotion of branding of energy efficiency in electricity markets at different levels of maturity’.

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Energy Efficiency Framework Energy Audit, EE Services Energy Star, Building Ratings Carrier, EE Services Rated ACs, Heaters EE Services Consumers ServicesProducts Companies Programs Identifying these linkages is a challenge for this task

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Sub-tasks The work plan will consists of following 5 sub-tasks: Sub-task I: Energy Efficiency Offerings Analysis Sub-task II:Energy Efficiency Consumer Analysis Sub-task III:Assessment of relationship between EE product pricing and maturity of electricity market Sub-task IV:Review of branding strategies in similar areas Sub-task V:Identification of ‘Best Practices in Branding of EE’

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Sub-task I: Energy Efficiency Offerings Analysis To ensure in-depth analysis of issues associated with Branding of EE, it is necessary to understand all four aspects of ‘Energy Efficiency Framework’. It would be necessary to understand relationships between these aspects while developing ‘Energy Efficiency Branding Framework’. Such framework will assist in development of branding strategies & suitable institutional structure. The first step in this direction would be to develop understanding of existing product/ service offerings from the branding perspective.

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Sub-Task I: Energy Efficiency Offerings Analysis In this sub-task, a survey of energy efficiency products and services in countries participating in this Task would be undertaken by the Operating Agent with the help of Country Experts. – –Identify product/services categories offering EE attributes – –Assess technological maturity of the existing EE products – –Identify ‘Best Practices’ in definition of products and services – –Identify other aspects amenable to energy efficiency – –Identify programs/companies serving EE attributes – –Identify barriers experienced in successful branding effort – –Identify special needs of developing countries

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Sub-task II: Energy Efficiency Consumer Analysis It would be necessary to understand ‘Psyche’ of consumer towards the products and services which suppliers are in a position to provide in the market. The best way to develop such an understanding is to undertake scientific survey of consumers. However, it was opined that surveys would not only be time consuming but will also be expensive. It is understood that several national/ international agencies have carried out surveys of consumers. For the time being, these surveys will be used for the purpose of this task.

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Sub Task II ….. Contd These surveys are expected to assist in following activities: – –Identify attitudes and behaviour of the consumers towards various aspects of energy efficiency – –Establish preferences for range of products and services – –Identify socio-cultural issues in selection of products and services – –Understand the pre-requisites for successful branding – –Identify pre-requisites to ensure that ‘brand’ approach would focus more strongly on people as brand aware, self-conscious consumers.

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Sub Task III: Assessment of relationship between product pricing and maturity of market Overall marketplace has significant impact on the success and failure of products and services. Products launched ‘ahead of time’ have failed on account of under-developed market. For e.g. ‘Iridium Satellite Phones’. Necessary to analyse marketplace for energy efficiency products. It is proposed to limit the scope of this sub-task to electricity sectors. Applicability of the findings of this study to non-electricity energy segments may be tested at a later stage.

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Sub-task IV: Review of branding strategies in similar areas Currently, EE products and services are at nascent stage of development. Several products & services would have passed through this phase during their development. It may be possible to learn from strategies used by these products during early periods of their life cycles. It is proposed to carry out research to identify the branding strategies deployed by ‘similar’ products and services during early period of their life cycle. The challenge here would be to identify which products and services are ‘similar’ in nature to energy efficiency. The Co-operating Agent is expected to assist in identification of ‘similar’ products and services and carry out research necessary for this sub-task.

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Sub-task V: Identification of ‘Best Practices in Branding EE’ This sub-task will also help develop best practices in branding of EE in four aspects i.e. products, services, programs and companies by way of survey of branding efforts in participating countries. Following activities would be undertaken as a part of this sub-task. – –Development of Case Studies for Successful branding efforts – –Synthesize information collected during sub-tasks I & II – –Understand business enablers for branding in each case – –Identify best practice in each of the four key aspects of Branding of EE – –Identify inter-linkages for different aspects of branding – –Identify role of institutional structures and government support in development of successful branding strategies – –Identify key lessons which may be adopted in development of successful branding strategies

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Deliverables Sub-Task No. Deliverable Sub-Task I Report on Energy Efficiency Offering Analysis Sub-Task II Report on Energy Efficiency Consumer Analysis Sub-Task III Report on Assessment of relationship between product pricing and market maturity Sub-Task IV Report on Key Learning from Branding in other Areas Sub-Task V 1.Case Studies on Branding 2.Synthesis Report for the Task

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Operating & Co-Operating Agent, Time Frame Balawant Joshi shall be the Operating Agent for the task. It is proposed to engage Co-Operating Agent for the task. Co-Operating Agent shall be expert in branding. Process of identifying Co-Operating Agent is in progress. Time frame proposed for the task is 24 months from the date of initiation of the task. It is envisaged that each participating country will appoint one country expert. Each country is expected to spend around 6 person-months on this task. Four Expert Meetings are proposed for the task.

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Budget

Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited Cost per country Costs associated with country experts are not considered.

April, 2008 ABPS Infrastructure Advisory ABPS Infrastructure Private Limited ABPS Infrastructure Advisory 703/704, The Avenue, Opposite The Leela, International Airport Road, Andheri (East), Mumbai Ph: / Fax: ABPS Infrastructure Advisory Practical Solutions to Real Life Problems