Reporting of EJN activities 2008-2014 19-21 November 2014 Rome 43 rd Plenary meeting of the EJN.


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Presentation transcript:

Reporting of EJN activities November 2014 Rome 43 rd Plenary meeting of the EJN

Before the EJN Decision EJN Work Programme ( ) Meetings  2 Plenaries (in MSs)  1 Brussels meeting (organised by Council GS, no budgetary impact for EJN)  1 National Correspondents meeting (until 2005 in the MS)  1 Informal Working Group meeting Website (main projects)  Atlas (MLA/ EAW)  Compendium  CP’s List  Fiches Belges Representation/ other costs  Awareness  Cooperation with partners

After the EJN Decision New procedures Guidelines (mid 2009)  Guidelines on the EJN structure  Guidelines on the EJN meetings EJN Manual (end 2009)  Manual of operations Trio Presidencies (2010)  Role incorporated in the Guidelines on EJN structure Roles within EJN  EJN Secretariat  (EJN) Presidencies of the European Union  EJN National Correspondent  EJN Tool Correspondent

Revised Work Programme (2009-onwards) New meetings  Regular meeting (former Brussels held in the Hague, additional budget)  Tools Correspondents meeting  Regional Meetings (2009)  National Meetings (2010)  Trio Presidencies Meetings (2010)  Meetings of EJN Working groups (2009)  Plenary meetings organised by the EJN Secretariat (2014) Bi-annual report (2009) Secure telecommunication Network (2009) Assessment of the EJN by the EU institutions Training of the EJN Contact Points After the EJN Decision (2)

After the EJN Decision (3) Revised Work Programme (2009-onwards) New projects for the website  Revamp of the entire website  Translation of static parts  Mutual recognition instruments in the Atlas/ Compendium  Judicial library – Status of Implementation of the EU instruments  News and events section  Registry

Main projects carried out by the EJN Secretariat Website :  Project of revamp and new tools  Regular update of the Judicial library (status of implementation) and sections: news/ events/ partners  Training of TC’s in the Ms  Measures to encourage the Ms’s through the TC’s to update the Website (CP’s list and Altas)  Migration to the E-justice portal Organisation of the Language training

Main projects carried out by the EJN Secretariat (2) Grant procedures for the Regional and National meetings Bi-annual report:  Preparation of report  Collecting data from MS Awareness of the EJN/ Activities in the MS’s.  EJN in the Member States Cooperation with partners  EJN today and before (representation in relevant fora regarding judicial cooperation)  Enhancement of an effective cooperation with other judicial networks/ 3rd Countries Enlargement and candidate/associate Countries

Endeavours and challenges EJN Secretariat’s orientation:  Ensuring the support to the EJN Contact Points  Improving the work of the EJN as a mechanism of judicial cooperation  Implementing measures within EJN and whereas possible to improve the work of the practitioners Challenges:  Adapting to the Institutional and legislation changes (in Ms and EU)  Constantly redefining priorities and planning due to limited resources (human/ financial)  Ensuring regular update of all EJN tools (by the Secretariat or MSs)  Accomplishments = Results  Undertaking 2 roles: EJN Secretariat as manager of the Networks and as an admin service at Eurojust (involving additional tasks and work)

Endeavours and challenges (2) How to measure the work of the EJN and its Secretariat:  Results achieved  EJN Contact Points reaction  Assessment of the EJN during the last years Accomplishments  Commitment of the EJN  Commitment of the EJN Secretariat team  Fulfilment of projects and activities deriving from the EJN Decision  Constant improvement of the Network  New projects carried-out to enhance the work of the EJN CP’s and practitioners

2014 and upcoming phase Actions taken and to be followed-up by the Secretariat Kick-off of the implementation EJN/E-justice cooperation Bi-annual report:  Analysis of EJN CP’s activities  Website statistics  Presentation in the Council Groups Bi-lateral Meetings with SG Council and Commission Contributions by the EJN to the EU Institutions Working on new training possibilities for EJN Contact Points-EJTN Reply to the recommendations to the EJN coming from the 6 th Round of Mutual Evaluations EJ/EJN Enhancing cooperation with Eurojust ( Joint paper; EJN Perspective on the Eurojust National Coordination System)