6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Ongoing Fuel Flammability Work at the FAA Technical Center International Aircraft Systems Fire Protection Working Group London, UK June 13 – 14, 2002 Steve Summer Project Engineer Federal Aviation Administration Fire Safety Branch, AAR-440
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Agenda Fuel vaporization computer model – validation experiments Theoretical flammability limits as a function of MIE, FP, and O 2 content Fuel vapor simulant for use in future ignition testing Reports to be published
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Fuel Vaporization Model – Validation Experiments
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Acknowledgements Professor C. E. Polymeropolous of Rutgers University David Adkins of the Boeing Company
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Introduction The original model proved a good method of predicting the evolution of hydrocarbons. Results were presented by Prof. Polymeropolous (10/01 Fire Safety Conference) Could prove to be a key tool in performing fleet flammability studies. Fortran code has been converted to a user-friendly Excel spreadsheet by David Adkins of Boeing.
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Physical Considerations 3D natural convection heat and mass transfer within tank Fuel vaporization from the tank floor which is completely covered with liquid Vapor condensation/vaporization from the tank walls and ceiling Multi-component vaporization and condensation Initial conditions are for an equilibrium mixture at a given initial temperature Gas, T g Liquid, T l Walls and Ceiling, T s
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Major Assumptions Well mixed gas and liquid phases within the tank Uniform temperature and species concentrations in the gas and within the evaporating and condensing liquid Ra g ≈ 10 9, Ra l ≈ Externally supplied uniform liquid and wall temperatures. Gas temperature is then computed from an energy balance Condensate layer is thin and its temperature equals the wall temperature.
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Major Assumptions (cont’d) Mass transport at the liquid – gas interfaces was estimated using heat transfer correlations and the analogy between heat and mass transfer for estimating film mass transfer coefficients Low evaporating species concentrations Liquid Jet A composition was based on previous published data and and adjusted to reflect equilibrium vapor data (Polymeropoulos, 2000)
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Assumed Jet A Composition Based on data by Clewell, 1983, and adjusted to reflect for the presence of lower than C8 components
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Assumed Jet A Composition Number of Carbon Atoms MW: 164 % by Volume
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK User Inputs Equilibrium Temperature Final Wall and Liquid Temperatures Time Constants Mass Loading Tank Dimensions Note: For comparison with experimental results, recorded wall and liquid temperature profiles were entered directly in lieu of the final temperatures and corresponding time constants
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Program Outputs Equilibrium gas & liquid concentrations/species fractionation Species fractionation as a function of time Ullage, wall and liquid temperatures as a function of time Ullage gas concentrations as a function of time FAR, ppm, ppm C 3 H 8
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Experimental Setup 17 ft 3 vented tank placed inside environmental chamber. Thermocouples used to monitor ambient, ullage, surface and fuel temperatures. Blanket heater attached to bottom of tank used to heat fuel. Hydrocarbon analyzer used to monitor ullage fuel vapors.
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Future Testing Future tests to consist of: Constant surface temperature tests. Various steady state pressure (cruise) tests. Varying pressure tests (flight profile). Varying wall to wall temperature tests. Varying fuel distribution tests.
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Future Model Improvements Capability of varying tank pressure. Capability of varying wall to wall temperature calculations. Capability of varying fuel distribution.
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Theoretical Flammability Limits as a Function of MIE, FP & O 2 Content
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Background Present thinking in fuel tank inerting is that above x% O 2, the tank is at risk throughout the entire flammability envelope, below x% O 2 it is inert.
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Background Previous work has shown how flammability limits vary as a function of ignition energy.
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Background It follows intuitively that flammability limits will shift in a similar manner as inert gas is added to the fuel tank. Thus, if your fuel tank is only partially inerted, the flammability exposure time has still been reduced by a significant amount. How can this be quantified, validated and built into the flammability model?
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Computed Flammability Limits as a Function of O 2 Similar methodology as that in DOT/FAA/AR-98/26 to compute flammability limits as a function of MIE.
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Computed Flammability Limits as a Function of O 2 Correlation of the variation of LOC with altitude. Previously determined with a large (~20 J) spark source.
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Computed Flammability Limits as a Function of O 2 , where T min is the minimum of the parabola given by T min = T fp + 22 – 1.5Z. a is a constant, determined by matching the curve as best as possible to the calculated 21% O 2 curve for the given ignition energy.
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Resultant Curves for a 20 J Calculation
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Flammability Limits as a Function of MIE, O 2 and FP Combining this with the parabolic MIE calculations and LOC curves for various ignition energies, results in flammability limits which vary as a function of ignition energy, O 2 concentration and flashpoint. The sum of this work was put together into a working MS Excel model by Ivor Thomas, using the following LOC curves.
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6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Conclusions By a set of simple calculations, one can obtain varying flammability limits as a function of ignition energy, O 2 concentration and flashpoint. Once validated, this data can be used in the flammability model to show reduction in fleetwide fuel tank flammability as a function of the amount of inert gas added to the tank. Future tests to validate these calculations are planned at the technical center.
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Fuel Vapor Simulant for use in Future Ignition Testing
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Background Our current method for ignition testing of Jet-A fuel vapors is extremely time consuming (up to as long as 2 hours per test). If a gaseous mixture was available to simulate the flammability properties of Jet A, it would allow us to perform more tests quicker.
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Background Availability of said mixture would also have applicability to other issues (e.g. explosion proof testing of pumps, etc.) Subcommittee of SAE AE-5 currently being formed to look at this issue.
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Past Simulants - Hexane
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Past Simulants – Caltech Mixture NTSB Docket No. SA-516, Exhibit No. 20O Volumetric Ratio of H 2 :C 3 H 8 of 5:1 Examined the effect of fuel concentration, vessel size and ignition source on pressure history.
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Past Simulants – Caltech Mixture
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Proposed Research Activity at Tech Center 20 L combustion vessel to be constructed within 4 – 6 weeks. Variable energy (0.5 mJ – 5 J) spark source to be obtained within 8 – 10 weeks. Tests to be conducted in a manner similar to the procedures layed out in ASTM flammability standards (e.g. E582, E2079, etc).
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Proposed Research Activity at Tech Center
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Reports to be Published
6/13/02IASFPWG – London, UK Reports Summer, S. M., Fuel Flammability Characteristics of JP-8 Fuel Vapors Existing Within a Typical Aircraft Fuel Tank, DOT/FAA/AR-01/54 Summer, S. M., JP-8 Ignition Testing at Reduced Oxygen Concentrations, DOT/FAA/AR-xx/xx