The Dutch Presidency Priorities and timeframe Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations EUPAN DG-meeting 3 & 4 December 2015 in Luxembourg The Dutch.


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Presentation transcript:

The Dutch Presidency Priorities and timeframe Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations EUPAN DG-meeting 3 & 4 December 2015 in Luxembourg The Dutch Presidency team

2 EUPAN NL-2016 December 2015 The Dutch Presidency: 1 January - 30 June 2016

3 EUPAN NL-2016 December 2015 Priorities for EUPAN: What? Priorities for EUPAN meetings Good governance and Modernisation of PA: how to make it happen? -Performance, Trust and Integrity in the Public Sector -Top management in central PA: models, trends and exchange -Organisational development: steering options in networking society -Sustainable employability/working longer: variety in careers & cross-border mobility -Open government: dilemma’s for HRM and organisation

4 EUPAN NL-2016 December 2015 The EUPAN meetings: How?  Two working-groups meetings and DG meeting (with TUNED)  Interactive working methods with workshops & round tables  Input from MS in workshops/round tables: dilemma’s, solutions, cases  Using IT-tools to collect opinions  Result oriented using Two-pagers: to be concluded in DG meeting  Testing the EC toolbox in practise  Experimenting/piloting with new forms + evaluation after each meeting

5 EUPAN NL-2016 December 2015 The EUPAN meetings: Studies Three studies are already done 1.‘Public Sector Achievement in 36 countries’ (update of 2012) 2.‘Public Integrity and Trust in Europe’ (Hertie School, Berlin) 3.‘Top Public Managers in Europe’ (update of 2008) Report 1 and 2 based on existing, publically available data Report 3: information collected under EUPAN members

6 EUPAN NL-2016 December 2015 The EUPAN WL-meetings: When? 1 st Working-level meeting on January 2016 in Brussels Topic: Performance, trust and integrity in Europe (public sector) Input: -Two research reports -Essays Reflection group: high level experts from PL, PT, EE, EU

7 EUPAN NL-2016 December nd Working-level meeting on April 2016 in Amsterdam Topics: focus on central public administration -Top public managers; variety in careers; cross border mobility & exchange of Top managers (ABD pilot) -Organisational development; Open government -Drafting Strategy Plan (SP) as follow up of EUPAN evaluation Input: -Research “Top public managers in Europe” (BZK, 2015/update of 2008) -Cases of MS and relevant literature The EUPAN meetings: When?

8 EUPAN NL-2016 October th Dg meeting on June 2016 in Amsterdam Topic: Dilemma’s on steering modernisation in (central) PA: How to make it happen? - Next steps in renewing of EUPAN: Draft SP -Decision on proposals of the Working-Level meetings -Informal discussion with TUNED. ( Proposal: participate in round tables during first day) The EUPAN meetings: When?

9 EUPAN NL-2016 December 2015 Working method: Round tables (6-8) on specific topics of interest for dg’s: - Therefore, no translation available at the meeting! - In two rounds, one with TUNED Chaired by dg’s and directors + dg of other MS to bring in own experience/case Assistant per round table to make report and short presentation for plenary Using mapping technology to show support for statements and conclusions Results:  Decision on two pagers of all topics, including proposals for future  Commitment on draft Strategy Paper EUPAN DG meeting: continuation

10 EUPAN NL-2016 December 2015 The Venues Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations in The Hague The Europe building for the Dutch Presidency in Amsterdam Ministry of the European Commission in Brussels

11 EUPAN NL-2016 December 2015 Data and venues of EUPAN meetings Dutch Presidency EVENTDATEVENUE Working-groups meeting21-22 January 2016 Brussels EUPAN 5 secretariat 8 March 2016 The Hague Working-groups meeting28-29 April 2016 Amsterdam DG-EUPAN 5 secretariat 3 May 2016 The Hague 66 th DG-meeting16-17 June 2016Amsterdam

12 EUPAN NL-2016 December 2015 We are looking forward to welcome you in The Netherlands!