MACHC16, December 2015 Hydrographic Service Leendert Dorst Structured MACHC reporting to IRCC and IHB over 2015
2 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting MACHC reporting to IHB and IRCC IHB report (short)IRCC report (comprehensive) Following from EIHC5, Decision 5 Following from IRCC management of Actions BiannuallyAnnually 3 aspects: goals & priorities, gaps & needs, further comments 3 types of items: IRCC action items, Performance indicators, and Progress report IHO WP Ref. IHO CL17 of 24 Feb. 2015: “Report on the overall status of the IHO Work Programme” Ref. IRCC CL05 of 18 Dec. 2015: “Report on IRCC Actions” Ref. meeting documents for the latest reports
3 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting MACHC reporting to IHB – what I need from you Working Groups: check and correct my draft. Member States: none. Associate Member States: none.
4 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting MACHC reporting to IRCC – January 2016 Ref. MACHC Letter 18/ items, 25 items have been discussed by chair or in the letter The 2 remaining composite items are IRCC7/05 and IRCC7/07 How to divide the reporting tasks of the remainder between Chair, WGs, (A)MS and others?
5 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting IRCC7/05: IHO Work Programme IRCC7/05: Progress reports on the relevant tasks in the IHO Work Programme WP1: Interactions with international organizations WP2: Interactions with HSSC bodies WP3: Regional affairs: 8 elements with underlying actions
6 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting IRCC7/07: Performance Indicators IRCC7/07: Estimated values of Strategic Level Performance Indicators (SPI) and Working Level Performance Indicators (WPI) Indicators for IRCC: 1 SPI + 6 WPI; Indicators for WEND: 2 SPI + 4 WPI; Indicators for CBSC: 1 SPI + 3 WPI.
7 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting Proposal for the WP-elements, WPI and SPI Chair: Elements SPI7 + WPI40 NL: Element 2.9 MICC: Element WPI20 + WEND PIs CBC: Element CBSC PIs GEBCO: Element 3.8 NGA: Element 3.7 All: Elements WPI18 + WPI29 Details are in following slides, for future reference
8 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting MACHC reporting to IRCC – January 2016 Ref. MACHC Letter 18/ items, 25 items have been discussed by chair or in the letter The 2 remaining composite items are IRCC7/05 and IRCC7/07 How to divide the reporting tasks of the remainder between Chair, WGs, (A)MS and others?
9 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting IRCC7/05: IHO Work Programme 1 WP1: CORPORATE AFFAIRS (FOR ALL) Element 1.1: Co-operation with International Organizations Task 1.1.4: European Union Task 1.1.5: International Federation of Surveyors Task 1.1.6: International Federation of Hydrographic Societies Task 1.1.8: International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities Task : International Maritime Organization Task : Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Task : United Nations Organization Task : Other Organizations: CLIA; OECS
10 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting IRCC7/05: IHO Work Programme 1 WP1: CORPORATE AFFAIRS (FOR ALL) Element 1.3: Public Relations Task 1.3.2: International Hydrographic Review Task 1.3.3: World Hydrography Day
11 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting IRCC7/05: IHO Work Programme 2 WP2: HYDROGRAPHIC SERVICES AND STANDARDS Element 2.9: Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures (NL) Element 2.10: Hydrographic Data Acquisition and Processing (FOR ALL) Element 2.12: ABLOS (FOR ALL)
12 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting IRCC7/05: IHO Work Programme 3 WP3: INTER-REGIONAL COORDINATION AND SUPPORT Element 3.1: Co-operation with Member States and attendance at relevant meetings (FOR CHAIR) Task : South East Pacific Regional Hydrographic Commission Task : South West Atlantic Hydrographic Commission Task : USA-Canada Hydrographic Commission Element 3.2: Increase participation by non-Member States (FOR CHAIR)
13 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting IRCC7/05: IHO Work Programme 3 WP3: INTER-REGIONAL COORDINATION AND SUPPORT Element 3.3: Capacity Building Management (FOR CBC) Tasks Element 3.4: Capacity Building Assessment (FOR CBC) Tasks Element 3.5: Capacity Building Provision (FOR CBC) Tasks Element 3.6: Coordination of Global Surveying & Charting (FOR MICC) Tasks Element 3.7: Maritime Safety Information (FOR NGA) Tasks Element 3.8: Ocean Mapping Programme (FOR GEBCO) Tasks
14 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting IRCC7/07: Performance Indicators IRCC7/07: Estimated values of Strategic Level Performance Indicators (SPI) and Working Level Performance Indicators (WPI) Indicators for IRCC: 1 SPI + 6 WPI; Indicators for WEND: 2 SPI + 4 WPI; Indicators for CBSC: 1 SPI + 3 WPI.
15 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting IRCC7/07: Performance Indicators for IRCC SPI7: Increase in participation/membership in RHCs (FOR CHAIR) WPI18: Percentage of IHO MS updating C-55 (FOR ALL) WPI19: Status of hydrographic surveys (-) WPI20: INT charts (FOR MICC) WPI22: Increase in effective MS participation (FOR CHAIR) WPI29: Coastal States with a national SDI (FOR ALL) WPI40: Agreements signed (FOR CHAIR)
16 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting IRCC7/07: Performance Indicators for WEND SPI1: Coastal States providing ENC coverage SPI8: Percentage of available /agreed ENC schemes WPI15: Growth in ENC coverage WPI16: Number MS starting to produce ENCs WPI21: Percentage of agreed ENC schemes WPI28: Percentage of Coastal States which provide ENC coverage (ALL FOR MICC)
17 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting IRCC7/07: Performance Indicators for CBSC SPI3: Percentage of Coastal States which provide hydrographic services WPI17: Percentage of Coastal States delivering hydrographic services WPI26: Percentage of Coastal States which have achieved CB phase 1,2 or 3 and established a National Hydrographic Office WPI27: Number of States which have achieved CB phase 1, 2 or 3 and established a National Hydrographic Office in the reporting period (ALL FOR CBC)
18 MACHC16, December 2015 MACHC structured reporting Thank you!