Maternal and Perinatal Deaths 2010 for the Health Quality and Safety Commission May 2012
PMMRC Annual Reports –November 2009 Reporting on 2007 data –October 2010 Reporting on 2008 data –July 2011 Reporting on 2009 data –June 2012 Reporting on 2010 data
Current structure of PMMRC Perinatal and Maternal Mortality Review Committee Health Quality and Safety Commission Maori Caucus POMRC CYMRC FVRC Local Coordinators Network AMOSS WG Neonatal Encephalopathy WG Maternal MWG Secretariat / National Coordinator
Current members of the committee Professor Cynthia Farquhar (Chair) Dr Sue Belgrave Ms Sue Bree Dr Sue Crengle Ms Alison Eddy Dr Alec Ekeroma Dr Beverley Lawton Dr Maggie Meeks Ms Gail McIver Ms Linda Penlington Dr Graham Sharpe
Working Group Chairs Maternal Mortality Working Group –Dr Alistair Haslam Neonatal Encephalopathy Working Group –Dr Malcom Battin Australasian Maternity Outcomes Surveillance Survey Working Group –Dr Claire McLintock
National services PMMRC National Coordinator Vicki Masson PMMRC Secretariat Deon York