Navigating the System PLAINTIFF’S CLAIM FORM 07A
Excel Workbook (.xls) These tabs also enable you to select which sheet you are working on. You are now on the 07A form. Plaintiff’s Claim Form 07A Use this button to go back to your MENU where you’ll have an interactive list of all the required forms. NAVIGATING THE SYSTEM
1.Hit to access a menu of Small Claims Court Forms. 2. Column ‘E’ indicates the status of each form. Choose which form to work on in Column ‘F’. Click on the hyperlink named SCR_07A Plaintiff’s Claim. NAVIGATING THE SYSTEM
Column ‘C’ is where your information is entered. In subsequent forms, if this area is orange, the information is formulated. You will not be able to change it unless you go back to the original form. Some of the boxes will have a drop down menu. NAVIGATING THE SYSTEM
Move the cursor over the red line (Column ‘F’) to get a detailed explanation of the information you must enter in each cell. A box will appear with a small help prompt. NAVIGATING THE SYSTEM
If an action is transferred to another Court, the original Claim Number and Court information can be maintained by simply clicking. This function allows you to keep the original claim information necessary for forms like the 20P. NAVIGATING THE SYSTEM
Once you’ve entered all the information, click on and your form will be generated into a Word document that will open up automatically in M-S Word. NAVIGATING THE SYSTEM