COMP9321 Web Application Engineering Semester 2, 2015 Dr. Amin Beheshti Service Oriented Computing Group, CSE, UNSW Australia Week 10 1COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Assignments 2 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10 Assignment 1 – GradeBook Assignment 2 – Demo this Week Assignment 3 – Due Sunday, October , 23:59:59
Performance 3 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Performance 4
Performance 5
Performance 6
Performance 7
Scalability 8
Scalability 9
Scalability 10 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Why does performance and scalability matter ? 11 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Why does performance and scalability matter ? 12 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Why does performance and scalability matter ? 13 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Why does performance and scalability matter ? 14 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Why does performance and scalability matter ? 15 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Why does performance and scalability matter ? 16 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Performance Analysis and Evaluation 17 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Performance Analysis and Evaluation 18 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Performance Analysis and Evaluation 19 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Defining goals 20 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Defining goals 21 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Performance Metrics 22 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Performance Metrics 23 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10 RTT
Performance Metrics 24 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Performance Metrics 25 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10 Thrashing is an unstable collapse of throughput of a system as the load is increased. After we reach max throughput, we have reached the throughput plateau... e.g. plateau can be considered as the point where the throughput really falls off …
Performance Metrics 26 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Performance Metrics 27 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Performance Metrics 28 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Performance Metrics 29 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling 30 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling 31 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling 32 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling 33 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling Requests 34 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling Requests 35 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling Requests 36 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling Requests 37 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling Requests 38 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling Requests 39 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10 A power law is a relationship in which a relative change in one quantity gives rise to a proportional relative change in the other quantity, independent of the initial size of those quantities.
Modelling Requests 40 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling Requests 41 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10 Nagios monitors your entire IT infrastructure to ensure systems, applications, services, and business processes are functioning properly. Sysperfinfo is a tabular view of the performance counters. E.g. you can access SQL Server related performance counter values through the system table sysperfinfo…
Modelling Requests 42 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling Requests 43 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling Requests 44 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling Requests 45 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling Requests 46 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling Resources 47 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Modelling Resources 48 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Using Modelling for Performance Analysis 49 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Using Modelling for Performance Analysis 50 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Using Modelling for Performance Analysis 51 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Performance Testing 52 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Performance Testing 53 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Performance Testing 54 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Performance Testing 55 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
56 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10 Operational Analysis
57 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10 Operational Analysis
58 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Analysis 59 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 60 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 61 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 62 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 63 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 64 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 65 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 66 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 67 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 68 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 69 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 70 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 71 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 72 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 73 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 74 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 75 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 76 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 77 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Operational Laws 78 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Bottleneck Analysis 79 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Bottleneck Analysis 80 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
Bottleneck Analysis 81 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10
A few statistical quantities 82 COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10 The quartiles of a ranked set of data values are the three points that divide the data set into four equal groups, each group comprising a quarter of the data
References 83COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10 Performance by Design: Computer Capacity Planning by Example by D. Menasce, V.A.F. Almeida, L. Dowdy, Prentice Hall The Art of Computer System Performance Analysis by Raj Jain, Wiley Press Performance Testing Guidance for Web Applications: Patterns & Practice by Meier, et. al, Microsoft Corporation
84COMP9321, 15s2, Week 10