Great Pacific Garbage « Patch » Maria Diaz Rodriguez Humans and the Environment CBA
Overview Background Background Analysis Analysis Solution Solution Conclusion Conclusion Blibliography Blibliography
Background The name “Pacific Garbage Patch” has led many to believe that this area is a large and continuous patch of easily visible marine debris items such as bottles and other litter —similar to a literal island of trash that should be visible with satellite or aerial photographs. While higher concentrations of litter items can be found in this area, along with other debris such as derelict fishing nets, much of the debris is actually small pieces of floating plastic that are not immediately evident to the naked eye.
Background Continued The debris is continuously mixed by wind and wave action and widely dispersed both over huge surface areas and throughout the top portion of the water column. It is possible to sail through the garbage “patch” area and see very little or no debris on the water’s surface. It is also difficult to estimate the size of these “patches,” because the borders and content constantly change with ocean currents and winds. Regardless of the exact size, mass, and location of the garbage “patch,” manufactured debris does not belong in our oceans and waterways and must be addressed.
Garbage “Patch” Illustration
It is estimated that the size of the “patch” is twice that of the state of Texas - half a million square miles or the equivalent of 20 times the size of England
Analysis The Pacific Ocean is the largest ocean on the planet covering nearly 30% of Earth’s surface area (~96 million square miles, or ~15 times the size of the continental US) It is certainly not cost-effective to skim the surface of the entire ocean. Even a cleanup focusing on garbage “patches” would be a tremendous challenge because of these points: – concentration areas move and change throughout the year – areas are typically very large – Marine debris is not distributed evenly within areas – Modes of transport and cleanup will likely require fuel of some sort – Most of the marine debris found are small bits of plastic – This all adds up to a bigger challenge than even sifting beach sand to remove bits of marine debris. In some areas where marine debris concentrates, so does marine life This makes simple skimming the debris risky—more harm than good may be caused. Remember that much of our ocean life is in the microscopic size range.
YOU! The Solution? YOU! Compost your rubbish to reduce your use of plastic bags. Don't use bin liners – just tip your rubbish into the bin. Take reusable cloth bags to the shops with you. Avoid buying beverages in plastic bottles – opt for glass where possible. Carry your own thermal mug and ask coffee retailers to fill it for you rather than taking a disposable cup. Bring your own coffee mug to work with you. Avoid buying foods packaged in plastic. Buy loose fruit and vegetables. Make your own bread or buy it from bakeries that package it in paper. Clean your home with baking soda and vinegar instead of using cleaning products packaged in plastic. Buy washing powder in boxes, not liquid in plastic containers. Buy cheese and meat from your local delicatessen and have it wrapped in paper. Use scented candles or incense instead of artificial air fresheners. Buy milk in paper cartons or glass, rather than plastic bottles. Buy toilet paper that is wrapped in paper, not plastic. Don’t wrap left-over foods in cling film - use aluminum or wax paper instead. Use matches instead of plastic-encased lighters. Give your pets cloth-based toys, like catnip mice and soft balls. Buy cloth nappies instead of disposables. Stuff delicate postal packages with old newspapers or junk mail instead of bubble wrap. Use rechargeable batteries to avoid buying batteries packaged in plastic
Conclusion: Marine Derbis is Everyone’s Problem Marine debris threatens marine life and our oceans and coasts. It affects us too, whether we are boating, fishing, swimming, or simply enjoying a day at the beach. Trash can travel through storm drains, streams, and rivers and end up in your community, as well as in the ocean. Studying this issue helps us understand that not all environmental issues are reparable, but depends on us to stop the problem.
Bibliography atch.html atch.html nedebris/ nedebris/ ur-work/marine-debris/ ur-work/marine-debris/ hdebris.html hdebris.html trash-marine-debris-shore-sea trash-marine-debris-shore-sea