Nelson, B. (1984). Chicago, IL: The University of Chicago Press. Reviewed by Saidah Leatutufu
Putting on a Political Production “the Crew” Actors “The Tour”
Problem Identification – “the Crew” Learning about new problems Those behind the scenes identifying the problem. Who makes the “right” crew??? Visibility Power
Child abuse then… Method: Several case studies of child abuse. Suggestion: Integrate more research on child abuse Catalyst
Decision Makers – “Actors” Federal Agencies interest groups $$$ media States Congress
Decision makers cont’d Formal decision makers Patterns of how institutions respond to certain categories (case studies) Right place, right time Engage public opinion; media; personal leadership (Senator Mondale effort) Liberal Progress: Shape agendas through social welfare; promote interest
Adoption - “The Tour” Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Child Abuse Prevention Tour Making a private deviance public Policy adoption: national attention CAPTA Child abuse reporting laws CAPTARA Child abuse/neglect child abuse legislation Poverty/ lack of affordability ACA, Covered CA
Adoption cont’d Depends on the types of issues on the agenda determinants are more or less powerful. ( Government influence Many of the case studies involve federal agencies, hence a more persuasive power. Local and county levels more representative of the individuals affected (eliminate generalization and alleviate misinterpretation) Ultimately, being at the right place, at the right time and having the power to impact change.
Mis(interpretation)use Now… Buy Why??? Different classes of people (economically, ethnically, socially) misuses CatalinaShanesha
Where do WE go from here? Policy process Inclusive – citizen engagement, technology (information gathering), community liaisons, interpreters Community led cures (prevention strategies), but… Expand the amount of information and knowledge Individuals should be well versed in the policy making process Example – 3 case studies, gentrification/displacement (involvement, media, “right” audience, unity of residents) And Foreign Policy??? Find the private illness and cure it with policy; ultimately, achieve the worthiness of the personal attention of the people with power to impact change in policy.