eCall – ‘Coming To Get You’ Neal Skelton Head of Professional Services United Kingdom on behalf of Andy Rooke ShadowFocus Ltd.
eCall – ‘Coming To Get You’
This is what all the fuss is about!
eCall based on 112 is coming! Three Main Stakeholders – Vehicle Makers changes to type approval mean they must fit eCall – but which type? TPS eCall (Private) or 112 eCall 112 eCall applies to all new types of cars and light trucks – After 31 st March 2018 Or both – But probably TPS (Private) eCall before the end of 2017 – Mobile Networks no legislation - missed upgrade date December 2014 – Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) delegated across across Europe applies ALL member states upgrade by 1 st October 2017.
eCall Legislation – Europe #1
eCall Legislation – Europe #2 Of the three key components to eCall chain Mobile Network has No Legislation. – Mobile Network Operators (MNOs), which are “recommended” to: To have implemented the mechanism to handle the ‘eCall discriminator’ in their networks by 31 December 2014 (Deadline Missed). The parliament and council issued a deadline for the ‘eCall discriminator’ to be implemented in networks by the 31st March – To handle an eCall like any other 112 emergency call. Public Safety Answering Points Delegated Act to define their architecture
So why two systems? Vehicle makers failed to engage with eCall based on 112, as the first draft of legislation excluded TPS eCall Extensive lobbying from some Member States and the Vehicle Makers. –T–Type approval now revised both eCall systems now permitted –1–112 eCall for all cars it must be fitted (Free for all) –T–TPS eCall may be fitted, a subscription service, provided that it does not distract the driver. Amendment to Type Approval Now Law! 20 th May 2015
So where does this leave the UK? The UK isolated with limited engagement!
eCall UK where did it all go wrong for the UK? UK one of the foremost exponents of eCall from 2002 to 2007 – – UK (DfT and UK Police) helped to develop how it looks today. UK turned away from the European Commission mandated eCall for all cars as not seen as a cost effective measure for road a safety UK Government felt that there should be a choice for the consumer.
eCall is coming now Legislation changed in 2014 to include Third party eCall that can now be fitted as well as the 112 eCall Effect – Most car makers in Europe will now be marketing a form of eCall (Mostly Private), the aim to get a system launched before 2018 Why? – The mandated investment in 112 eCall brings no return for the vehicle makers – TPS eCall could – Need to keep contact with the car owner and offer services
eCall is it such a bad thing? eCall (both types) will provide for the first time exact GPS reference of where there is a problem on the road network to the emergency services Tells part of the story without having to speak to the vehicle occupants (Minimum Set of Data) Should we be using this information? – Spanish Highway authority is a direct recipient of ALL eCall. Passes straight to their command and control system before it goes to the emergency operator – Stops the incident from getting any worse – VMS Speed limits CCTV Traffic Information
Could the UK use eCall to its advantage? TPS eCall is coming to most vehicle makers. The German motoring organisation ADAC estimate that less than 10% of all new vehicles will just have eCall 112 fitted. 90% will have other eCall systems which will include telematics and most importantly – A Live SIM = A Connected Vehicle!!
Are there problems? Privacy - TPS eCall does not protect personal data TPS eCall can be turned off 112 eCall cannot be turned off No common approach from the vehicle makers – In-band modem eCall based on 112 or E SMS for TPS eCall – Common link Mobile Telephony 2G and 3G – Huge variance in the levels and capability of service across Europe (UK is not a leader in 112 services).
Opportunities! Aftermarket devices significant commercial opportunity both Public and Private eCall Insurance industry now trying to secure a foothold significant savings potential for the insurance industry Vehicle makers want a fast route to market for TPs eCall, must be in place and working before Public eCall arrives This is a Pan-Europe opportunity, procurement tenders for the provision of eCall services are already appearing.
What should be done now? Wake Up! – There are business opportunities for UK industry, In- vehicle systems (Tier 1 & 2 suppliers) PSAP upgrades, mobile network providers. – Start to engage industry, Government, 999/112 systems, Highways England and Emergency Services (These all need to be standardised). – Use can be made of the coming eCall systems but only if you plan for them. – eCall is coming, it is a legal requirement UK cannot ignore this any longer.
Questions Andy RookeNeal Skelton ERTICO – ITS EuropeHead of Professional Services Project CoordinatorITS United Kingdom